Problem with citation & bibliography function



In my bachelor thesis I want to insert the citation of a book in the
footnote. But everytime when I doubleclick the desired book in the manager,
the whole text of the book-data is added. When I try to insert the citation
in the text above the footnote, the correct (auto)text is added (e.g. (Heinz,
2004, S.232)). Can anybody help me?
Many thanks, Andy


Hasn't anyone a soultion for me? I need help, to continue with my work!
Many, many thanks...


Rob Schneider


I'm using Word 12.2.1. While I've not used the citation feature in Word
for Mac in any serious way, I tried to re-create what you report and
that's not how Word is working for me. The citation source goes into the
main text and the footer in the same way both places. Makes no
difference where the citation is inserted--which is different than you
report. I can only guess that there are two reasons for this difference:

: some sort of setting somewhere in Word about how citations should go
in (but I can't find it and nothing referenced in Word)
: you are not running 12.2.1 version of Word.

If this continues to fail you, then perhaps the solution is to remember
your objective (I think) is to get the Bachelor Degree thesis done; so
stop making Word the problem and just do it manually?


Yves Dhondt

That behaviour is by design. Citations in footnotes get formatted as
"FootnoteCitation" while in-text citations get formatted as "Citation".

If you have some XSLT knowledge, you could 'adjust' the style in such a way
that "FootnoteCitation" gets formatted as "Citation".

For Word 2008, the styles are stored inside "Microsoft Word 2008" package in
the subdirectory "Contents/Resources/Style/". On most Macs, this will be
"/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft".

!!! Before making any changes to a style, do not forget to make a backup !!!

I don't have my hands on a Mac right now, but you will probably have to look
for something like

<xsl:when test="b:Citation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

<xsl:when test="b:FootnoteCitation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

The easiest fix is probably copying the code inside the "Citation" part
inside the "FootnoteCitation" part.

If you want your adjusted style to be listed differently by Word, check


Yves Dhondt

It depends on the style he uses. Some styles have a separate set of
formatting guidelines for footnote citations then for citations. Other
styles use the same for both. I'm guessing he is using one of the styles
which differentiates between the two.



OK, thank you for your information.

I tried it again and the "error" occured again - and i have the latest
version of word.
Is it possible that you mean the header/footer while i mean the footnote?
I'll go crazy with that feature.... :)



Tahnk you for your explanation. I will try this out. But I don't have any
experiances with XLS. Are there any tutorials on the web to change such
There are only four styles installed on my mac. Are there any possibilities
to add more styles or to change the style?
I think of a citation like "[xxx, 2006], S. 123" instead of "(xxx, 2006,

Thank you for your help!



Ohhh sorry - i didn't see the link inyour post...

Andy said:
Tahnk you for your explanation. I will try this out. But I don't have any
experiances with XLS. Are there any tutorials on the web to change such
There are only four styles installed on my mac. Are there any possibilities
to add more styles or to change the style?
I think of a citation like "[xxx, 2006], S. 123" instead of "(xxx, 2006,

Thank you for your help!


Yves Dhondt said:
That behaviour is by design. Citations in footnotes get formatted as
"FootnoteCitation" while in-text citations get formatted as "Citation".

If you have some XSLT knowledge, you could 'adjust' the style in such a way
that "FootnoteCitation" gets formatted as "Citation".

For Word 2008, the styles are stored inside "Microsoft Word 2008" package in
the subdirectory "Contents/Resources/Style/". On most Macs, this will be
"/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft".

!!! Before making any changes to a style, do not forget to make a backup !!!

I don't have my hands on a Mac right now, but you will probably have to look
for something like

<xsl:when test="b:Citation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

<xsl:when test="b:FootnoteCitation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

The easiest fix is probably copying the code inside the "Citation" part
inside the "FootnoteCitation" part.

If you want your adjusted style to be listed differently by Word, check

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles


Yves Dhondt

You don't really need much XSL knowledge. Some good tutorials are

The most important thing to keep in mind when handling XSL/XML is to keep
your tags (the text between < and >) balanced. Most xml editors (there are
plenty of free ones) automatically check for this type of thing. So it might
be a lot easier to edit the file using an xml editor rather than an ordinary
text editor like textpad.

With regards to changing the brackets/parentheses, see

For your requirement ("[xxx, 2006], S. 123"), you will have to move the test
on LastAuthor a bit up in the code so the . But I'm not sure your layout is
such a good idea. I'm thinking that it is not that obvious to combine two
citations in your case. e.g. "(xxx, 2006, S.123; yyy, 2007, S.456)" would
result in something weird.

When you consider starting making bigger changes than moving some brackets,
you should consider creating a style from scratch. The link in my signature
leads to a webpage which provides a language/template on top of the xsl
which should make creating new styles for Word easier. The tool is free and
open source and on the site you can find several styles based on it.

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles

Andy said:
Tahnk you for your explanation. I will try this out. But I don't have any
experiances with XLS. Are there any tutorials on the web to change such
There are only four styles installed on my mac. Are there any
to add more styles or to change the style?
I think of a citation like "[xxx, 2006], S. 123" instead of "(xxx, 2006,

Thank you for your help!


Yves Dhondt said:
That behaviour is by design. Citations in footnotes get formatted as
"FootnoteCitation" while in-text citations get formatted as "Citation".

If you have some XSLT knowledge, you could 'adjust' the style in such a
that "FootnoteCitation" gets formatted as "Citation".

For Word 2008, the styles are stored inside "Microsoft Word 2008" package
the subdirectory "Contents/Resources/Style/". On most Macs, this will be
"/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft".

!!! Before making any changes to a style, do not forget to make a backup

I don't have my hands on a Mac right now, but you will probably have to
for something like

<xsl:when test="b:Citation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

<xsl:when test="b:FootnoteCitation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

The easiest fix is probably copying the code inside the "Citation" part
inside the "FootnoteCitation" part.

If you want your adjusted style to be listed differently by Word, check

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles


Rob Schneider

Good luck with the thesis! I feel for you!


Ohhh sorry - i didn't see the link inyour post...

Andy said:
Tahnk you for your explanation. I will try this out. But I don't have any
experiances with XLS. Are there any tutorials on the web to change such
There are only four styles installed on my mac. Are there any possibilities
to add more styles or to change the style?
I think of a citation like "[xxx, 2006], S. 123" instead of "(xxx, 2006,

Thank you for your help!


Yves Dhondt said:
That behaviour is by design. Citations in footnotes get formatted as
"FootnoteCitation" while in-text citations get formatted as "Citation".

If you have some XSLT knowledge, you could 'adjust' the style in such a way
that "FootnoteCitation" gets formatted as "Citation".

For Word 2008, the styles are stored inside "Microsoft Word 2008" package in
the subdirectory "Contents/Resources/Style/". On most Macs, this will be
"/Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft".

!!! Before making any changes to a style, do not forget to make a backup !!!

I don't have my hands on a Mac right now, but you will probably have to look
for something like

<xsl:when test="b:Citation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

<xsl:when test="b:FootnoteCitation">
<!-- a whole bunch of code -->

The easiest fix is probably copying the code inside the "Citation" part
inside the "FootnoteCitation" part.

If you want your adjusted style to be listed differently by Word, check

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles

In my bachelor thesis I want to insert the citation of a book in the
footnote. But everytime when I doubleclick the desired book in the
the whole text of the book-data is added. When I try to insert the
in the text above the footnote, the correct (auto)text is added (e.g.
2004, S.232)). Can anybody help me?
Many thanks, Andy



Yesterday I tried to adapt the apa.xls on my mac. I copied the code from the
"Citation"-section into to the "Footnote"-Section. It worked a little bit
better than before because the long text changed into the text I want (in the
footnote). This means that now "[xxx, 2004, S.234]" is standing instead of
the whole book-data. But I still have a problem: I can't edit the citation -
it is a static text instead of a autotext. Is it possible to add this
function in my footnote-citations??


Yves Dhondt

I doubt there is a way to avoid that but here are a couple of suggestions:

1)you could experiment with entering the field manually and see if that
doesn't do a conversion of static text. The field code for citations is
2)you could try to get hold of a Word document with footnote citations
generated by Word 2007 and see how it behaves in Word 2008.
3)you could check the source of your document to see if the static text
still contains some kind of link to the field. If it doesn't, then there is
no hope of being able to edit it.

I'm actually interested in the answers myself but I don't have a Mac lying
around to experiment with.


Yves Dhondt

I just did a quick test and it seems that the first suggestion is a workable

"Insert" -> "Field ..." -> "CITATION" and then in the field you type the Tag
of the source you cite.

BibWord : Microsoft Word Citation and Bibliography styles

Yves Dhondt said:
I doubt there is a way to avoid that but here are a couple of suggestions:

1)you could experiment with entering the field manually and see if that
doesn't do a conversion of static text. The field code for citations is
2)you could try to get hold of a Word document with footnote citations
generated by Word 2007 and see how it behaves in Word 2008.
3)you could check the source of your document to see if the static text
still contains some kind of link to the field. If it doesn't, then there
is no hope of being able to edit it.

I'm actually interested in the answers myself but I don't have a Mac lying
around to experiment with.


Andy said:

Yesterday I tried to adapt the apa.xls on my mac. I copied the code from
"Citation"-section into to the "Footnote"-Section. It worked a little bit
better than before because the long text changed into the text I want (in
footnote). This means that now "[xxx, 2004, S.234]" is standing instead
the whole book-data. But I still have a problem: I can't edit the
citation -
it is a static text instead of a autotext. Is it possible to add this
function in my footnote-citations??


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