problem with find and replace



I've got about 170 uses of the word Sandhill crane in one doc. I a
trying to change to sandhill crane (no caps), but find and replace wil
not do it. I tried replacing "Sandhill crane" with "custard" and the
replacing "custard" with "sandhill crane" but no go. Each time it tell
me it's made the replacements but keeps giving me the S in caps. An


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Have you clicked on the More button in the Find and Replace dialog and
checked the Match case box?

After doing that here, Sandhill crane is replaced by sandhill crane when
those words are inserted into the Find what and Replace with controls

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via


There is no problem. You press Ctrl plus F, Type in the box what yo
want to find and just find it

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