Problems displaying forms



A database I've been deveoping for years and in use with 50 separate clients
has suddenly started generating error messages 'There isn't enough memory to
update the display. Close unneeded programs and try again'. The report
(uses MS Graph) does display Ok but I then get forms displaying with odd
fonts and white rather than the correct colour as background to the text in
labels or command buttons on an apparently random basis.

Needless to say there's plenty of memory. The problem manifests itself in
Access97 and Access2000 but not in Access2002 where I do the development work
(in Acess2000 format) and then convert backwards for those clients on earlier
versions. It's not confined to one PC, or even my office, and has occured on
Windows XP, 2000 and ME installations.

It also doesn't seem to be installation dependant as, if I go back 3
releases of the database, it seems to work Ok. Unfortunately a lot of
changes were made in the version where the problem looks to start so I'd like
to avoid going back to there and re-creating all the changes.

Creating a new database and importing everything across (whilst in a
client's office and on their PC) didn't help.

I remember having the problem many years ago and it went away but can't
remember what I did - old age is creeping up on me!

Has anyone any experience of this or any thoughts that might help?

Pieter Wijnen

not the issue, as such.
what I ommited was to decompile & run a repair/compact, before suggesting
the "obvious" solution of exporting to a fresh db to get rid of *most of
the* garbage
and then going on to saveastext/loadastext ....




Have tried repairing in Access97, 200 & 2002, importing forms into earlier
working versions, creating new copies of forms where the problem seems to
occur, all to no avail. Don't know what you mean by how to save
forms/reports as saveastext/loadastext though.

Have looked through KB and the closest I can find is but this talks of having to open
and close hundreds of forms whereas I get it with a chain of three. But
other, far more complex form opening/closing sequences don't cause the
problem at all.

Have found that MS Graph is not the cause as can reproduce the fault before
the report is actually opened.

Now spent all day on it without getting anywhere so extremely puzzled.


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