problems opening files in word 97 on windows xp


Jim Saring

One of my users is running Word 97 (Office 97
Professional) on a Windows XP platform and has encountered
a strange problem - when trying to open files from within
Word, most of the files and directories listed in the open
window show up as three square characters instead of their
actual names. When attempting to open these files or
directories, Word displays the following error
message: "An unexpected error occured: I/O error 6" and
will not let me open them. The few files and directories
that display their real names open with no problem. In
addition, I am able to open all Word documents from
Windows Explorer with no problem. Excel and other Office
applications also exhibit no problems. No other users
running Word 97 in XP have reported this problem. I have
tried the following, all to no avail:
1. Removing and re-installing Word.
2. Removing and re-installing Office.
3. Applying both Office 97 patches.
4. Deleting and letting it re-create itself.
5. Deleting the Word Data registry key and then re-
installing Word.
6. Installing TweakUI and using it to rebuild icons and
repair fonts.

If anyone has encountered this problem and knows how to
resolve it, please let me know.

-- Jim

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