Programs do not open eventhough 'installed correctly'



I have purchased Office Enterprise 2007 and have installed it onto my
laptop. At the end of the installation process, a message appeared to say
that it had installed properly. When I click on the icons, there is activity
on the hard drive (light flickers), but the program does not open and the
hard drive light goes off. The only program that results in a further action
is powerpoint. After the light goes out, the message box saying that it has
encountered an error and requests that a report is sent to Microsoft....

I have uninstalled the Works program that came with the laptop and have
uninstalled and reinstalled the Office program since.

I thought that there was an issue with the memory (ie a huge itunes library
and office program left a very small amount of memory available). I have
bought an external hard drive and moved the itunes library to that to free up
space. Further to this, I have tried the 'fix' program that comes up when
you put the office disk in the dvd drive, defragmented the hard disk.

I am not a computer officianado and am struggling to think of what else I
can do to make it work!!

Any suggestions??



'Memory' - you mean disk space
So if you double click on My Computer how much free space is shown on C?

In Power Point, Help>About what version does it show?



Total memory is 37.2 GB and free space is 12 GB...

Trying to open Powerpoint does not work... I double click on the icon, the
lights go on, then off and no programme appears, only the 'encountered a
problem and needs to close, sorry for inconvenience..!!' - click yes and an
error report will be sent to Microsoft'.... but no mention of how to fix the



That word again, in general Memory contains data that is lost when you
switch off your PC.

Reboot your PC, if you havent since last trying, search for winword.exe,
double click the file.
Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del)
In Processes Tab, click Image Name to sort, is winword.exe listed?
If it is highlight the file & click end process, next open Event Viewer and
check for any errors.
If it isnt listed try the simple expedient of inserting your Office disk &
repairing the installation
PS MS offers free support for installation issues

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