Project 2007 standard installation problem



After about 2/3 of the installation it hangs up and then I get an error
message 1317 that says it cannot create the folder C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\MSEnv. Verify that the path exists in your system and
that you have sufficient permissions to update it.

I can browse to the directory but it frequently causes explorer to stop
responding. When I checked the properties it was originally read only and
eliminated that check mark. I am also logged in as an administrator. Any help?




Can anyone help me with this or direct me to another board where my question
would be more appropriate? One additional piece of information - was able to
install this same trial onto my dektop computer successfully and I noticed
that the installation that is failing is skipping the EULA screen.


Hello Steve,

Just to clarify: are you attempting to install the same trial software
to two computers? Does your license allow multiple installations of the
same software using the same key?

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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After many attempts on my laptop I used the same file to install Project
onto my desktop computer, where it installed without any problems. I received
the same error messages on the laptop both before and after installing it on
the desktop so I don't think it has anything to do with multiple
installations. From the first attempt at installation after downloading until
now, I have received the same error message.

Please let me know if you can provide any help.

Thank you,



Hi Steve,

Thanks for the additional information. I'm afraid I don't have a ready
made fix for you. But a couple of additional questions may help us find
an possible cause/answer.

Obviously if you were able to install the software to one machine, the
installation media is not at fault.

I would suggest trying to narrow down the differences between the
desktop and laptop.

Same OS?
Same service pack level on OS? (I believe Project 2007 will only install
to XP with Service Pack 2)
Previous versions (beta?) on laptop?

Project MVP

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