Project, Predecessor field, Copy more than 256 Characters ?



Microsoft Project 2007 (2003 file format)
I have a task that has more than 256 characters worth of predecessors in
the predecessor field. Project is truncating the field and I canot copy out
the entire character list.
The task has and issue and I am trying to trouble shoot it. How do I
export, copy, anything to get the complete set of text from the Predecessor


Jim Aksel

Unfortunately, the only way I have discovered how to do this effectively is
to iterate through the TaskDependencies object manually using VBA.

That said, here is something you can try. If you have
predecessors/successors that belong to different files, you will notice the
complete path of the predecessor will appear as part of the path in your
predecessors list. What I do occassionally is move the files so they live in
a very short folder name such as C:\A\Project1.mpp as opposed to
C:\Users\Documents and Settings\My Docu...... That helps. However, you may
not face that situation.

The predecessors and successors are actually contained as part of the task
So you can have something like this:
Dim tsk as task
tsk.TaskDependencies (is a collection of all dependencies)
tsk.PredecessorsTasks is a collection of predecessors
tsk.SuccessorTasks is a collection of successors.

There are others avaialble as well. You may get better results if you post
to the developer newsgroup. Once you have these objects exposed, all items
become visible as related to the predecessor.

That's how we do it here.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.


Check out my new blog for more information:


I am afraid that I am a simple user trying to trouble shoot a task.
The predecessors are all within the same project, and will display in
the Predecessor window ot the task information screen.
My project has over 2500 tasks all culminating at three deliverable
dates, therefore there are many predecessors....
My problem is that something is pushing my task forward a week and
destroying the timing of the entire project.... but it will not allow me to
copy or paste the field. Normally I will set up a test (driven task) and
parse the predecessors, 1/2, 1/4 and so on until I have discovered the
problem predecessor.
Any other suggestions?
thanks again,

Jack Dahlgren

Insert the total slack column.
Constrain the finish date to what it was before the schedule pushed.
Look in the total slack column for any negative numbers. The earliest task
with negative slack is the one which is causing the problem.

-Jack Dahlgren


Thank-you, I tried your suggestion, my constrained task showed it's -2w
slack... but it did not highlight the driver?
I did find the issue, I had a finsih as late as possible task with
14ew-lag, it started late, so when I entered a new start date, it pushed the
task forward, and the lag pushed my milestone forward. tricky thing about
finish as late as possible with -lag...
I found my issue by making a copy of the file and deleting large
sections of tasks until the issue went away. I was then able to zero in on
the issue.

Thanks again for your time gentlemen,
I will remember the Total slack field, I can see it is handy.


Thanks for your input, unfortunately a majority of my world is alap for
financial and availability reasons.
I launch new model vehicle programs in Automotive plants.
Every thing is scheduled backwards from the model change date
(including time of day). The interruptions to the current model production
have to be a minimal as possible as per the cost ramifications and therefore
everything is scheduled to happen at the absolute last minute.
The final Milestone, the first vehicle, is a date set in stone and
cannot change. Ever. Missing the date and time have penalty ramifications of
thousands of dollars per minute.
ALAP is used to plan the events to be just in time, -lag is used to
provide the buffers required for contingencies. I use ASAP for any tasks
that can be completed in that manor without affecting production. The issue
I had experienced happed due to late PO from a customer, which caused my
start to be late.. but as I mentioned the finish could not move.
Anyway... your note has given me a few ideas, thanks. Specifically
intermediate milestones... and I am wondering why I should not have any
additional fields in the entry table?

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