Publish or Backup...


Luther Moon

I have, in the past, been backing up my Web files to disk, as they are
located in the MyDocuments folder. I have been noticing people on the forum
discussing publishing the Web to disk or to cd. Is this the neccessary
method for maintaining a backup?? I have been dragging and dropping that
file doing my backups.

I have also been transfering that web file from one computer to another with
no apparent side effects... or have I just been lucky.

Paint me confused...

Luther Moon

Btw... I really like this app.

Cheryl D. Wise

As long as you have the entire folder copied including hidden files your way
will work especially if you copy the entire My Documents folder.

I use server based webs with IIS 5.2 on XP Pro not DBS. I copy the entire
wwwroot directory to my back-up folder on the server and also to cd when I
archive them. That gets all of the files including hidden and system files.
Copying just the files that show up in My Documents, My Webs individually
can miss those files which is one reason why publishing to your back-up
location is is recommended.

Cheryl D. Wise

As long as you copy the whole folder by going up one level and copying the
folder and don't open the folder, highlight the copy the highlighted files
you will be okay.

To check you can open My Computer select Tools, Folder Options and on the
view tab you'll see a radio button under a folder icon that says "Show
hidden files and folders". Select that and click the "apply to all folders"
button. Then navigate to the web folder and you should see ghosted (lighter
colored) folders that start with _vti_. Those are the folders you need to
have in your web and your backup.

You can change your settings back to normal after you've verified that they
are there. That helps prevent the files from being accidentally deleted.

Luther Moon

Thanks so much Cheryl... for the detailed description; and yes, I do have
those files (_vti, etc.) in my backup.

The more I learn about FrontPage the more I really love and appreciate this
app... and to all those "Adobe-Macromedia" people out there, I love you,
but, I just don't have two years of "nothing better to do" than the learning
curve involved in using just such apps. Will they do more???... not if you
don't know how to use them.

Thank you Microsoft and Thank you Cheryl Wise for making life for me so much

Understanding the understandable,

Luther Moon

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