Publisher with Fire Fox



I have the a problem the hyperlinks on the menus do not work using firefox.
I downloaded fire fox yesterday and it did not work on XP. Talking to the
fire fox support people they told me the doc type is missing within the code.
Thats why it does not work. I have 2 people who can not access the webpage
I am designing and updated weekly. Is there a patch to publisher to correct
this, if this is the case.

Thank you for your time.


Please tell us what version of Publisher you are using, and give us the URL
of your website so we can see the problems, and we will try to help you.



Dave, thank you for your time. by the way on the hyperlinks on the left side
of the Master page doesn't work. all hyperlinks within detail apges work. I
ran the design checker and see alot of error on pictures and alignment. also
ran another check you suggested for another thread. Thats seems to be more
for programming the web page than using publisher, although the were a
considerable amount of code errors, which I have not control. Hope this
helps. Thanks again.


Ungroup the text boxes that you have used to build your navbar from each
other and/or from other design elements. When you group things in this way
it converts the text to an image and kills the links. You can test for this
by trying to left click, drag to select the text...if you can't select the
text, it is an image.



On start i had also many problems with firefox compability, with the help of
David i sovle everything and from than time it seems easy to make your page
work for both browsers. I will just write the major things that everyone
should do:

1) Master pages must not be used for web pages, links that are in Master
pages does not work
2) Ungroup any kind of links ( ususally the bottom navigator links )
3) Search boxes with outliner and mixed-color boxes that contain any kind of
text are converted in images and firefox ( also search engines ) cannot read
it like a text. The solution is to create the box you like and for the text
create another box and locate it above the color box. The "send at front" the
text box and everything will work fine..

I strongly suggest before you publish any page do these steps:

1) using the "publish to the web" option publish the files into a location
in your computer ( this procedure will save all files that contain your page
in your computer )
2) go in the forlder that you have save the files and using "thumbnails
view" look if there is any kind of text that is showing like an image, if you
see something like that then you need to fix it. Any kind of text should not
appear in any file like image.



Good summary.

I especially like your tip on how to spot any text that has been converted
to an image. Looking for a thumbnail image of text would make it easier to
spot even those times when the converted text looks ok when viewed on the




turned over to the userThank you DavidF and Panos:
I did check thumbnail for the texting and none there. The master page does
work and works good. I did view the source code and the doc type is not
there. Is that the problem????? we all are spending too much time all this.
The solution is stay with IE. That will be my recommendation. Out of 1600
hits in only a couple of months that pretty good. I did find out by
personally talking to one of the fellows that he wasn't using firefox he was
using IE with Vista OS. After I told him to load all the microsoft updates,
2007 publisher worked. So that leaves only 1 with firefox.

Publisher 2007 is a excellent product for non technical users. although I
have a technical background I choose Pub. 2007 because this with be turned
over to the user.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


I notice that the site navigation system still does not work in FireFox. I
guessed that it was because you had that text box grouped with some other
element and guessed wrong apparently. You now say that you are using a
Master Page and that is working fine...well, it isn't in FF if the navbar is
on the Master Page. That would probably account for why the links don't
work. Move it off the Master Page to the main publication page and see if
that doesn't fix the links. And if you have used a fill color in that text
box that would also kill the links. There is a workaround for that if that
is the problem, so post back if it is.

You can ignore how the site works in FF if you want for a personal
site...that is your choice. But apparently you are building sites for other
people and getting paid for it, correct? No offense, but in that case don't
you think you have a responsibility to make sure the sites are as cross
browser compatible as possible? Given that about 46% of people are now using
FF instead of IE and only 44% are using IE, you are ignoring a huge group of
people. Furthermore if you get the pages to work well in FF and IE then the
pages will also work in most other browsers including Opera and Safari, with
a few exceptions. Reference:

As Panos suggested there are a few basic guidelines to follow to get your
pages to enjoy pretty good cross browser compatibility. I really think you
should reconsider ignoring how the pages look in FF, but once again that is
just my opinion.



You convince me. No, I'm not getting paid. as always its a freebe. I will
try some other things. Thank you for setting the course.


Another tip about Publisher/Firefox. Firefox can only display a Publisher
web site in the same screen resolultion in which it was published. If you
publish your site at 96dpi (the default setting for most displays) it will
not display properly in Firefox at 120 dpi, and vice versa. Fortunately, few
people except folks with poor vision will set their displays at 120 dpi. I
get virtually no complaints, and in the era of the wide-screen displays, it's
not likely anybody will be using 120 dpi much longer.


Sorry if I jumped to the wrong conclusions, or if I offended you. I just
noticed that you were promoting your web building services on the website
and didn't realize that you offered them for free. Thanks for posting back.



Thank you CWWJ and DaveF it is the master pages menu links. I took out the
master page and put a couple of links on the detail pages and they work fine
in fire fox. I have to redesign, the master page, not really sure on your
comments for the fix.

Thank you


Not sure if you are talking to me or not, but basically you should test
carefully if you are leaving anything on the Master Page. It might work for
somethings, but generally I advise against using it at all. I would love to
see it possible to use it, and hope that in the future MSFT makes some
changes that allows that. It would make life easier.

Good luck.




Thank you for all your help, it now works in firefox. It unfortunate that
MS hasn't fixed the master pages. what a great tool this would be for the
users. When I turn over the maint. to the user they will struggle with the
menus and picts that could be on the master page.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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