pull Text Field values from a project task lined by "external Predecessor

  • Thread starter Jay Muthukamatchi
  • Start date

Jay Muthukamatchi


I am not a VB Script expert. I need little help writing VB Script to pull
Text Field values from a project task lined by "external Predecessor"

I have a master project which tasks from other projects linked via "External
Predecessor" MS Project seems to only pull % complete, Task Name, Start,
and Finish values. However, I have a need to bring values from text fields
associated to the external link task. Can you provide me an example VB
script to read a text field belong to the project task the
externalpredecessor link attached to?


Jay Muthukamatchi

Rod Gill


You need to open the the project and then read the relevant text fields, or
with Proejct 2000 onwards, you can use teh path from the linked project task
to read details using OLEDB (see PRJOLEDB.htm in your Project program folder
for details).

Rod Gill
Project MVP
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