Qry output to MSOutlook



I am using MSAccess 2000 and have created a query to give
me only clients email addresses based on certain criteria.
This is about 1/4 of my Clients table. I want to export
this into MSOutlook (not Express) --- to do bulk
emailing. It is not working and I am getting SO
frustrated. Any help out there?? Thanks!!


Originally posted by Susan
I am using MSAccess 2000 and have created a query to give
me only clients email addresses based on certain criteria.
This is about 1/4 of my Clients table. I want to export
this into MSOutlook (not Express) --- to do bulk
emailing. It is not working and I am getting SO
frustrated. Any help out there?? Thanks!!

You could try to write some code that creates a mail and sends it, using
the records from your query as addressees.
To do this, you'll need to know a thing or two about using Outlook
objects in VBA.
This is a (very short) example that might work :

Dim olApplic As New Outlook.Application
Dim olMyMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim rs as New ADODB.Recordset

rs.open "YourQuery", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,

Do Until rs.EOF

Set olMyMail = olApplic.CreateItem(olMailItem)

olMyMail.To = rs!AddresseeEmail
olMyMail.Subject = "A bulk mail"
olMyMail.Attachments.Add "Document.doc", olByValue, 1

Set olMyMail = Nothing

Set olApplic = Nothing

This code is of course to be adjusted to your needs. Don't forget to
make the correct reference to the Outlook Library


I have created several mid-size MSAccess database systems
and never learned VBA -- guess I should stop
procrastinating. Any ways to do this without VBA would
be so helpful. Thanks!!


Originally posted by Susan
I have created several mid-size MSAccess database systems
and never learned VBA -- guess I should stop
procrastinating. Any ways to do this without VBA would
be so helpful. Thanks!!

Well, if you didn't learn VBA, this is a good time to get started....

Meanwhile, you could try to solve your problem by creating a table
with the emailadresses and then export this table to a textfile. Once
you have this text file, you should be able to import this into


Marcin 'Kuglo' (e-mail address removed)

13 VII 2003
Hello Susan and hello to everybody

I am not an Access guru but I will try :)
(I have access 2002 polish version but in 2000 English, it should look

1) select query which You want to export then select "File -> Export..."
from ACCESS menu
2) select one of the "EXCEL " format as the type of file to be saved
3) close ACCESS and start OUTLOOK
4) "File -> import/Export..."
5) then select something like "import from other program or file"
6) select "Microsoft Excel" and in next window browse to exported file
7) now in target folder window You should choose Your contacts folder
8) Now click something like "mapping of non standard fields" and link
the fields as you like (i.e. "name" -> "name" , "email -> Email
Address.Email Address" etc.)
9) Hit "finish" button and that's all :)

It should work (100%)
Please let me know is it works.

(Sorry for my bad english)

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