Quick Styles and Effects to Movies?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

Hi all,

I was experimenting with movie imports in PowerPoint 2008, and tried out some of the Quick Styles and Effects. The effects look nice on the poster frame, but is it expected that once the movie plays, the applied style should disappear?

To replicate:
Import a movie to a blank slide. I used a H.264 compressed content.
Select the movie, and from the Formatting Palette, go to Quick Styles and Effects
Choose the Soft Edge Rectangle. The movie poster frame will now have a fade to background on all 4 sides.
Go to presentation mode, and play the video.
I see a moment of my poster frame with the style applied, then the movie plays without the fade to background on the sides.

Could someone tell me if this is expected behavior of PPT 2008?

I was expecting a behavior more like Keynote, where one could import the movie, go to the Graphics Inspector and select a similar style via Stroke: Picture Frame. In Keynote, the selected style applies to the *entire* movie, not just a poster frame.

For even more obviously odd results, use the 3-D Effects section, and apply an isometric option to your movie.

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