Receiving Secure FP Web Form Data


David Miller

I have a FrontPage form that is located on a secured page of our website
(Thawte Certificate). The form submitted online and the data emailed to

I would like to secure the form data better and either:
1) Automatically encrypt the form data as it is sent via email, or,
2) Have an exact copy of the HTML form (or formatted text) stored on a
secured part of our website -- with email notification that it is there.
And then retrieve and print a readable copy of each submission.

I’ve read the FrontPage manuals but am still not sure how, or if, this
can be done.

Thanks you in advance for anyone who might have a workable solution.

Bob Spiteri


I think what you are looking for is a form.CGI to file script which, on
submit, stores the submitted form to your cgi-bin folder. It is similar to
the form.CGI to mail script. Find some example below or contact your host
for others (most hosts provide free CGI scripts). The last one shows you the
syntax for the form posted on a secure URL:

FormCGI takes form input and emails you or writes out to a file, or both.
FormCGI is a more flexible replacement for our Mailform and Fileform

Sample Form Processor
Topping: Pepperoni Mushroom Anchovies
Extra cheese?
Destination email address:


When the submit button is pressed (above), TierraNet's form.cgi script
emails the form input (information about the topping and extra cheese) to
the destination email address or writes out to a designated file (or both) .
The destination email address can either be user-specified (as above), or
hard-coded. You may also have this information written out to a file instead
of being emailed.

Try the form above! You should receive an email which looks something
like this:

Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
TierraNet support ([email protected]) on Sunday, July 6, 1997 at 01:59:57

topping: Pepperoni
extra_cheese: on

Date: Sun Jul 6 01:59:57 1997


The code to produce the form above: <form method="post"
Destination email address: <input type="text" name="to" /><br />
<input type="hidden" name="from" value="(e-mail address removed)" />
<hr size="1" />
Topping: <select name="topping">
</select><br />
Extra cheese? <input type="checkbox" name="extra_cheese" /><br />
<input type="hidden" name="realname" value="TierraNet support" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit this form!" />
<hr size="1" />

Using FormCGI to email results: Using form.cgi is straightforward. Simply
use the following code fragment, and build your form and HTML around it:

<form method="post"
<input type="hidden" name="to" value="(e-mail address removed)" />
<input type="hidden" name="from" value="(e-mail address removed)" />
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="My subject goes
here" />
{place your form elements here}
<input type="submit" value="Submit this form!" />

You must specify "to" and "from" email addresses, replace
"(e-mail address removed)" with your actual email address, and select any subject
which you like to replace "My subject goes here".

To help prevent abuse of the FormCGI script, we require that the "to"
address be a local address. If you wish to receive the form results at an
email address hosted elsewhere, all you need to do is setup an email forward
through your account control panel that forwards to the address where you
wish to receive the results.

Using FormCGI to write results to a file: Use the following code fragment
if you want to have the results of your form written to a file instead of
being emailed to you:

<form method="post"
<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="XXX" />
{place your form elements here}
<input type="submit" value="Submit this form!" />

Replace "XXX" with a name that you would like to use. The results will
be written out to a file named "XXX.fileform.txt", this file will appear in
your /cgi-out which is located up one directory from your /htdocs (default
webroot) directory.

If you would like to be notified when a submission has been placed in
the file, add the following line:

<input type=hidden name="notifyto" value="(e-mail address removed)">

You will then receive an email letting you know that you have a
submission, however the actual data submitted will only be written to the

Using FormCGI to accept file attachments: Use the following code fragment
if you want to allow users to send file attachments using your form. The
file will be sent to the "to" address as an attachement:

<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<input type="hidden" name="to" value="(e-mail address removed)" />
<input type="hidden" name="from" value="(e-mail address removed)" />
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="My subject goes
here" />
{place your form elements here}
Send a file: <input type="file" name="userfile" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit this form!" />

Security tip: We recommend that you request the sender's email address
in your form. This will help you to verify who you are receiving the the
attachment from. Do not open any email attachments that are unfamiliar to

Using FormCGI with SSL (secure server): You can also use FormCGI with
secure server, to do this change the form action from the examples above

<form method="post"

Bob Spiteri

I have a FrontPage form that is located on a secured page of our website
(Thawte Certificate). The form submitted online and the data emailed to

I would like to secure the form data better and either:
1) Automatically encrypt the form data as it is sent via email, or,
2) Have an exact copy of the HTML form (or formatted text) stored on a
secured part of our website -- with email notification that it is there.
And then retrieve and print a readable copy of each submission.

I’ve read the FrontPage manuals but am still not sure how, or if, this
can be done.

Thanks you in advance for anyone who might have a workable solution.

David Miller


Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.
I appreciate the help.


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