RecordsetClone not available


Colin Foster

I am using a macro in an access database to allow the user to filter &
select clients beginning with certain letters. So, for example, they click
the "H" button & all clients beginning with the letter "H" are filtered out.

So, in general, the Condition is: [CompanyNameFilters]=1 Where Condition is
[CompanyName] Like "A*". The Action is ApplyFilter

However, One of the Conditions in the Macro is:
[RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]>0 With an Action of GoToControl, the Control
being CompanyName

There is a further Condition of [RecordsetClone].[RecordCount]=0 With an
Action of MsgBox, which provides a message that there are no records
beginning with that letter.

In Access XP, this works fine, but the client has now upgraded to a mix of
Access 2003 & 2007 & this macro no longer works; presumably because
"Recordsetclone" has been replaced as the error message that is returned when
this button is selected is... "The object doesn't contain the Automation
object 'RecordsetClone'. You tried to run a Visual Basic procedure to set a
property or method for an object. However, the component doesn't make the
property or method available for Automation operations" We receive the same
error message whether Access 2003 or 2007. On my local computer, I have
opened the database in XP & used the buttons successfully, but get the error
message in 2003/2007, so it doesn't appear that the client has deleted

So, any suggestions would be useful & welcome.

Colin Foster

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