Relocate and resize PowerPoint slide window


Adrian Pell

I'm seeing an unwanted screen artifact when programmatically starting a PPT
slide show.

What I am trying to do is to display a slide show *not* in full screen, but
not in a window either. Actually, I intend to reparent the slide show window
into another window. However ... when I do this, there is a momentary
full-screen display before the window is moved.

I'm in VB.NET, so consider this code extract:

Imports PPTMe = Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint

Dim app as New PPTMe.Application
Dim pres as PPTMe.Presentation
pres = app.Presentations.Open("....filename...", msoTrue, msoTrue,
With pres.SlideShowSettings.Run()
.Left = 100
.Top = 100
.Width = 400
.Height = 300
End With

What happens here is that the slide show window comes up full screen ... and
then gets resized as I request. Result: a full screen flash.

I tried using the SlideShowBegin event instead, and resizing in that method
.... but no difference.

So ... I don't see any other API that I can use. Is there some other
mechanism, like a registry key or something,
that would achieve this? Or opening the slide show off screen and then
moving it?

Any help gratefully appreciated!


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