removing hyperlinks



I have a names and address list which also includes email addresses
and the url of the person's homepage. Having these last two items in
the document as hyperlinks is a giant pain. I can make the hyperlink
markers visible and I made a macro that will turn an email address or
url to plain text, but I have to each hyperlink individually. There
are thousands of names in my lists! I need to get this done before I
import the list into Access.

Does anyone know how to do this in the same fashion as search and

(It's also a pain when an address is missing a field, but that's
another question altogether.)

Thanks in advance.

Anne Troy

Hi, Bill! You don't have to do it manually at all. Just select all the text
and hit Format-Style and choose something BESIDES hyperlink. Like "normal".


**** Hope it helps! ****



Thanks, but that just changes the appearance - there is still a
hyperlink code attached.

I can remove it by putting the cursor before the hyperlink doing alt-i
(insert) alt-i (hyperlink) and alt-r (remove), but for some reason
Word won't run that sequesnce as a macro.


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