Removing Office 2008 and reinstalling Office 2004



Does anyone know how to do this. I've tried everything on this forum to sync Entourage with my Palm including purchasing Missing Sync. I now have 10 copies of every item as well as every item moved one day earlier. I would love to get rid of Office 2008 and go back to my stable Office 2004. Any ideas on how to do this without losing all of the data and preferably to not have to hand delete the 9 other entries.

Diane Ross

Does anyone know how to do this. I've tried everything on this forum to sync
Entourage with my Palm including purchasing Missing Sync. I now have 10 copies
of every item as well as every item moved one day earlier. I would love to get
rid of Office 2008 and go back to my stable Office 2004. Any ideas on how to
do this without losing all of the data and preferably to not have to hand
delete the 9 other entries.

Do you still have Office 2004 installed?

If you still have your old Office 2004 Identity folder, I would use File -->
Export as Entourage archive (.rge). Close Entourage 2008. Open Entourage
2004 and import the file into a new Identity. You'll have to create your
accounts again, but this might be easier than trying to week out duplicates.

Next check your Startup Items in System Preferences and delete all Microsoft
Database daemons. Entourage will create a new one when it starts up.

You can use "Remove Office" to remove Office 2008. Don't try to delete just
Entourage. The application itself takes very little space. You can delete
the Office 2008 Identity folder that could be very large. (Before deleting
be sure you have all your info back into 04).

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