Repeating tables and cascading values



We are building agenda for Distinguished Visitors using InfoPath and
Repeating Tables. We are new to InfoPath and it's the blind leading the
blind...We need the capability to cacade changes throughout the rows and
fields when the time changes on a meeting or an event. For example

Meeting A
Start Time: 0900 End Time: 0930
Meeting B
Start Time: 0930 End Time: 1005
When the end time for Meeting A is changed to 0945 we need to cascade
through all the meetings, i.e. the new Start Time for Meeting B would be
displayed as 0945



Go to properties of Start Time field and in Default value place this XPath.
.../preceding-sibling::my:group2[position() =
count(../preceding-sibling::my:group2) + 1]/my:field2
Here field2 is for End Time.



Place the following Xpath in the formula of Start Date field.

You can use the following XPath instead of Previous:
.../preceding-sibling::my:group2[position() = 1]/my:field2

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