Report Design Very Slow



I just built a pretty big query that I am trying to pull into a report. The
size of the data, age of my machine are causing the report build to go very
slow. Is there a way to disconnect the query from the report so it doesn't
cause the latency each time I make a change? I appreciate any help. Thanks



Sure Invent a new query like:

Select 1 as this, 2 as that, 'Text' as dOther, 3 as SumptinElse
from SomeExisting Table

And make it your Data source for the report. It will return one record with
the stuff you put in it. If you need more records make a union query

Select 11 as this, 12 as that, '1Text' as dOther, 13 as SumptinElse
from SomeExisting Table
Select 21 as this, 22 as that, '2Text' as dOther, 23 as SumptinElse
from SomeExisting Table

i havent tested that this works but ought to. Let us know how it goes.



That's a really good starting idea; however, I think it would be more useful
to select various records from the production data that would represent a
cross section of conditions the report logic might expect so that all the
functionality of the report is exercised during testing.


Yea, your probably right.

But if I were in his(her) situation having to wait precious seconds between
builds, I'd just be adding a few more Unions to cover the range of data I
expected. :) When I was done fooling around with the "width of this",
"font of that", and the "placement of dOther", then I'd exercise the hell
out of it with real data.

I find the older I get the more impatient I get. After all we have a finite
number of seconds that we are able to be sucking air.


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