RTF output in runtime Access2003




We have a problem in Access 2003: WindowsXP Professional/Home, Access2003
Runtime mode, using an Access mde. The Docmd.OutputTo expression does not
work with the following formats: HTML, Text, RTF, Excel. It does work with
the Snapshot format, but I am not interested in that. We really want to
output a report to RTF.

This worked fine in our previous product version (Access97 runtime mode,
using a mde) and it works fine in design mode (Access retail version, in an
mdb or an mde). Are we missing a reference that would be present by default
in the retail mode, but not in the runtime mode. If so, what reference
should we include? (We currently include VBA, Access 11, Office 11, ADO,
DAO, etc.)

If anyone has a suggestion to this problem (other than ditching the RTF
format), please respond. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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