Slow Office 2000 Installation from Administrative Install Point


Brijesh Parikh


We have a MS Office 2000 Administrative Install Point (AIP) on our servers
from where we run a network & local version of office on desktops & laptops
respectively. Office installation on client pc's was running perfectly for a
long time. But recently since the last one month we are having problems
installing office on a client pc from the AIP. The problem being that the
installation runs very very slow and at times takes about an hour to complete.

We even tried uninstalling antivirus on the server as well as the client
before installing office from the AIP, but the results are the same. Also we
don't think it could be a network lag issue since everything else seems to be
running perfectly fine. Initially we had this problem just a couple times of
before it actually became persistent. As mentioned above, we did try to
install office late in the evening when network traffic is minimal, but still
the installation was slow.

We have three AIP's for office installation, each for different location.
Two out of these three AIP's are giving this problem of slow installation.
All the AIP are updated with the latest patches. The last patch applied to
these was Security Update for Excel 2000 (KB873372) released on October 12,

I would be really thankful if somebody could provide me a solution to this


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