Sockets in VBA ?


Jenni Miller

Hi -

Does anyone know how to read TCP/IP sockets within a VBA
program? The VBA app needs to process a stream of data
coming in via TCP/IP, not sure how to do it. I thought of
using COM but this needs to work under Excel for Mac as
well as windows. =)




Jenni, i feel you better go for COM component as
this will help in maintaineance and is efficient.

Secondly, COM is based on binary code reuse and
cross platform developement concept. You can
even use same component on UNIX platform also.

For socket programming refer web site, here
u will find lots of sample on almost all topic, socket, networking etc.

Lastly, before proceeding make test com component
and check it is working normally on both os mainly mac.

Hope this tips work for you.

Warm regards,

(Reply to news group only.)

Jenni Miller

Amit said:
Secondly, COM is based on binary code reuse and
cross platform developement concept. You can
even use same component on UNIX platform also.

Wow, cool. Thx for the advice!


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