Sort Trouble


Doug Mc

For some reason I'm not getting the sort to work like I need it to.

I mark one cell and click on Sort Ascending and it sorts that column (only)
but doesn't take along the rest of the row.
Do I have some setting wrong or something else?

Thanks in advance.

Otto Moehrbach

What you are doing when you select one cell and sort, is to tell Excel
to guess the range you want sorted. Excel did and it's guess is not what
you wanted. Excel's rules on setting the sort range involves blank rows and
columns. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. What you should do
is never allow Excel to set the range you want sorted. You do this by
selecting the range you want sorted, then do Data - Sort. Works every time.
Come back if this doesn't work for you. HTH Otto

Doug Mc

By selecting the range do you mean to mark all the cells in that particular
column - or what?

Gord Dibben

Pre-select all the columns you want included in the sort.

Or if you wanted to sort only 25 rows in 5 columns, select A1:E25 or
whatever range you choose.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Doug, yes, that is what is meant.

When performing the sort highlight ALL the data that you want included (rows
and columns); that works for me 100% of the time.

Please hit Yes if my comments have helped.


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