Spotlight, Entourage and Leopard



It appears that Entourage indexing for Spotlight doesn't work in
Leopard. I rebuilt the index, or tried to, from Preferences:Spotlight
but see no results.

Any workaround available for this?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

dan said:
It appears that Entourage indexing for Spotlight doesn't work in
Leopard. I rebuilt the index, or tried to, from Preferences:Spotlight
but see no results.

It seems to be working just fine for me.
What type of install did you perform?
You might want to make sure that the Entoruage.mdimporter is still in
the Spotlight folder (in /Library or ~/Library)



It seems to be working just fine for me.
What type of install did you perform?
You might want to make sure that the Entoruage.mdimporter is still in
the Spotlight folder (in /Library or ~/Library)


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The file is there but i'm getting no results...

Corentin Cras-Méneur

dan said:
Go figure... now it's working!

Maybe mds crashed at some point and needed a chance to start indexing
again (it happens from time to time on my Mac)


Mark L

I use office 2004 (with latest update) and had similar problems after upgrading to Mac OS 10.5 Entourage was set to allow spotlight searches but nothing appeared in spotlight searches from the icon in the header bar. With some tweeking I was able to search with spotlight opened within a finder window (apple option key f) but had to reset search criteria every time to include system folders.
I rebuilt the entourage database and deleted unwanted older versions leaving the 2 most recent.
Then I deleted all sub-folders and their contents from the folder "2004" This contains the metadata produced by spotlight when it indexes your entourage mail. It is in the metadata folder within the caches folder of your username library.
I then opened spotlight preferences and dragged my hard disk icon from the desktop to the privacy pane. I closed preferences and rebooted. I then removed my hard drive from the privacy pane and rebooted again. This forced spotlight to reindex the hard drive including entourage mail folders. The metadata folderw were rebuilt and, at least for now, the contents of my entourage mail folders appear in spotlight.
This worked for me after some experimenting. Maybe not all these steps are required. I took the usual precautions of backing up and repairing permissions.

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