Strange auto zoom when my laptop is connected to a projector




I have a Dell 620 running XP sp2. I can connect my laptop to a projector
and see both images with no issues. However, when I open an office document
(Excel, Word, Outlook email, Powerpoint presentation) the document
automatically zooms to 400%. Even if I change the zoom back to 100% it
automatically zooms back to 400%. If I try to view the Powerpoint
presentation as an actual slide show then Powerpoint flashes through all the
slides at lightening speed and there is nothing that I can do to stop it.

I've tried looking in the accessibility settings to see if there is
something there which is ticked when it shouldn't be, but I cannot see

Please help - my job is based around giving training presentations which I
cannot do at the moment!

Thank you in advance.


Thank you.. I realised it was the wrong group after I'd posted :$

I'll certainly check out your suggestions - cheers


You've posted to a newsgroup that deals with PPt for Mac, so I can't give
you any specifics other than a suggestion as to where you can locate the
appropriate Windows group:

I don't know what you are referring to as "accessibility settings" as
'accessibility' normally pertains to features for users with special needs -
such as visual impairment. I would think your problem stems from one of two
sources: Driver settings for the projector and/or video output settings for
the Dell. In addition to the above link you might check with Dell support as
well as support for the specific projector - they *aren't* all the same.

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