Submit Form via EMail and Save to Library



I am trying to use a control button (one click) to both submit my form to our
SharePoint library and automatically email the form to our department
managers for review. Via data connections and "submit using rules," I have
been able to submit a test form to our SharePoint library but it does not
email automatically... I get the visual prompt (view of email) which requires
me to then click on "send." I'm using InfoPath 2003. Based on my users, I
really need to fully automate (one click) if possible.

Perplexed Access Designer


Before setting up your submit button set up data connections for each type
of data submission you want to do. In your case submit to Sharepoint and
Submit to email. When you are setting up your submit button properties make
sure to use the Rules. Click on Add Rules, the Add Actions choose the submit
data then choose of the data connections. For two forms of submission create
2 rules one with each of the data connection submission you would like.


Sorry, I didn't make myself very clear. Where I'm "at" is wanting to "auto"
email the form out (without the form user having to manually verify the email
message and click on send). Based on other research I've done since I
submitted this question, I believe this can't be done. If it can, I'd still
like to know how. In the meantime, I've resolved my problem by using a
Sharepoint alert to notify the party(s) via email when a new document is
posted to the library. Thanks.

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