subreport query timing out??




I have a report that contains a few subreports. One subreport in particular
seems to intermittently "disappear" as in it doesn't always show the data for
that record. The Child/Parent relationships are correct however what appears
to be happening is that if that particular subreport's query takes too long
to pull the data, it times out and the report basically skips it and displays
the rest of the report. No errors are thrown, it just skips that subreport
(leaves the subreport header there) and displays the rest.

As mentioned this is an intermittent thing. If it happens, I can close the
report, open it again and the report will be complete with all subreports
displayed with the proper info.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to stop this from happening or potentially
force the main report to wait for the subreport's query to run before
displaying itself?



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