Subtotal Flaw - Is this a Bug?



Hi again all.

I have another concern, which I did not wish to add to my previous post about charts.
I am using a large xl workbook (circa 10mb,(30 worksheets)), with which I have the calculation as manual,
(& hit F9 every time I want to re-calculate).

However I have found that with calc on manual, when I want to insert subtotals (from the drop-down menu),
into a worksheet, xl simply stalls, and I have to ctl/alt/delete (task-manager)(end task) to get rid of this hang, and hence lose my
If I change to Calc Auto, before inserting subtotal, then everything works.
Any ideas?
Using Office XP on Windows 2000 (on a network)

Cheers again,

Peo Sjoblom

I cannot reproduce this, maybe your workbook is getting corrupt?



Peo Sjoblom

Mathew said:
Hi again all.

I have another concern, which I did not wish to add to my previous post about charts.
I am using a large xl workbook (circa 10mb,(30 worksheets)), with which I
have the calculation as manual,
(& hit F9 every time I want to re-calculate).

However I have found that with calc on manual, when I want to insert
subtotals (from the drop-down menu),
into a worksheet, xl simply stalls, and I have to ctl/alt/delete
(task-manager)(end task) to get rid of this hang, and hence lose my


Cheers Peo,
Thanks for your input - I will investigate via my IT bods.
I cannot reproduce this, maybe your workbook is getting corrupt?



Peo Sjoblom

Mathew said:
Hi again all.

I have another concern, which I did not wish to add to my previous post about charts.
I am using a large xl workbook (circa 10mb,(30 worksheets)), with which I
have the calculation as manual,
(& hit F9 every time I want to re-calculate).

However I have found that with calc on manual, when I want to insert
subtotals (from the drop-down menu),
into a worksheet, xl simply stalls, and I have to ctl/alt/delete
(task-manager)(end task) to get rid of this hang, and hence lose my

Dave Peterson

Maybe it's just the size of the workbook that's bogging xl down.

How about moving (temporarily) that worksheet to a new workbook. Then apply
your subtotals, then move it back.

But save first--just in case.

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