Switching between side show and windows



I'm teaching a beginner computing class for grandparents
and I would like to use Power Point side show but I also
need to be able to access the Windows desktop to
demonstrate features. Is there some way to switch between
a running slide show and the desktop without ending the
show and starting over when you return to the presentation?

Kathryn Jacobs

Try Alt-Tab and let us know if that does what you need.

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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Kathy is a trainer, writer, Girl Scout, parent, and whatever else there is
time for
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Robert Lerner

Unfortunately, that won't allow the user to view the Desktop... only program

Depending on the version of Widows the user is working with, they can hit
the Windows key (next to ALT on left side) while in the show. Then click the
Desktop icon in the Quick Launch toolbar.

The only other way I know to do what the poster is asking is to start the
show in a window (Slide Show menu to Set Up Show and then choose the option
upper left area). Once the show is started, you can right-click and convert
to a full-screen show. When in a full-screen show and you want to see the
desktop, hit Escape (back to window show) and then minimize the window.

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