Table Design 1 to Many Relationship Question in Access 2007



I need to have multiple notes for clients. I have my client table and my
notes table. On my client form I have multiple subforms with one of those
subforms being the notes table. The notes subform should populate the current
date and time and allow me to type the new notes. This all works fine.

Problem - when I try to move to another record, I get a repeat of my client
information because it keeps going through each note.

Any suggestions?

Thank you.


It's not totallly clear what the (symptoms of ) the problem you are
experiencing are but......

Start by making sure you have a good table structure in place and no
problems with the data in the linking fields.

Make sure that your linking field in the Client's table is set to be a
primary key and that it IS linked to your notes table.

Armen Stein

I need to have multiple notes for clients. I have my client table and my
notes table. On my client form I have multiple subforms with one of those
subforms being the notes table. The notes subform should populate the current
date and time and allow me to type the new notes. This all works fine.

Problem - when I try to move to another record, I get a repeat of my client
information because it keeps going through each note.

Make sure your Notes table isn't included in the recordset behind your
main Client form.

Armen Stein
Microsoft Access MVP

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