TCPI Calculation in MS Project Pro 2003 server version



I am looking at TCPI in several projects and the values do not look like they
are being calculated correctly.

TCPI = BAC (or baseline cost) - EV (or BCWP) divided by EAC - AC (or ACWP)

I don't know what it is doing but in some cases I am getting an odd value on
many lines - 4294967295. And, on other lines when I don't get that odd
value, the value is not what I come up with when calculating it manually
based on the formula above. When I try to get help on the TCPI field in MS
Project, it gives me a help screen for CPI....

Can anyone provide guidance? Thank you.

Sep 14, 2011
Reaction score
TCPI Problem

Just go to VIEW tab and go to table in talbe go to more table. select Earned Value Cost Indicators.

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