The database 'databasename.mdb' needs to be repaired or isn't a Microsoft Access database file


Joe M

I'm having a problem with a database (Access 2000) with W2000 SP3 showing
the error : "The database 'databasename.mdb' needs to be repaired or isn't a
Microsoft Access database file". I am not sure how or why this is happening.
When I choose the "Yes" option to try and repair the Db it will only repair
if I have exclusive use - everone needs to log off first. If I try to repair
and people are on it points to a specific user that won't allow me to repair
because they are on. Can anyone help?



To repair a database everyone must be out of the database. If you try to
repair with people in the program you risk major corruption and creating a
non repairable database. Once everyone is out; open the database from the
menu and not from the document listing in Access. You should open the
database in Exclusive mode for repairing.

Also, if your database is getting corrupted this usually means someone isn't
exiting out of the database properly or you don't have the database split
like it should be for sharing a database between two or more people over a
network. See Database Splitting in Help.


I have tried to repair the database by getting people out
before I click on "Yes". However, some people have clicked
on the yes to try & repair and are unsuccessful. They are
able to see the login screen and type name & pw , then get
the message.
What type of corruption can this cause? - Is it fixable?
I don't run this program from the Access .exe. I have
shortcuts set up for people to use so that the workgroup
is defined. Is this what you mean by the 'open from menu'?

As for splitting the Db. I have the tables set up in a
diff Db. They are linked to the front end Db. I did this
manually - not with the database splitter.
Another note - I have been running this Db for about a
year using replication. I changed from Replication to non-
repl so as to create a security group. I have eliminated
all signs of Replication and was running succcesfully
until we had this 'repair' problem after installing SP3.
Is there something that SP3 or securities have that might
cause this problem? we have about 6 people using SP3 - all
others are SP1 I believe.


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