The natives are getting restless



There does not appear to be a way to find one's own postings. There does not
appear to be a way to sort postings descending by date.

The delay in postings being displayed is way too long and makes this forum
less valuable.

I noticed that many people ask similar questions yet there do not seem to be
comprehensive answers to these questions. A case in point is my question on
page numbering.

It is obvious from the posted questions that dozens if not hgundreds of
people are having difficulty working with page numbering in the simple case
where there is a front and back cover page with a numbered document
sandwiched in between.

This should be a simple process. Yet, there are only complex solutions. I
work in multiple word processors and WORD is near the bottom of my list of
this type of software. The only reason people stick with WORD is because of
the decision by microsoft to make WORD and OEM installed software and thus
they have critical mass.

Sooner or later, WORD customers will get disgusted with microsoft's customer
be damned attitude and then the Fit will hit the Shan!

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Perhaps you should use a proper newsreader (eg Outlokk Express or Windows Mail), with which you can sort threads by 'From'.

Jay Freedman

There does not appear to be a way to find one's own postings. There does not
appear to be a way to sort postings descending by date.

The delay in postings being displayed is way too long and makes this forum
less valuable.

I noticed that many people ask similar questions yet there do not seem to be
comprehensive answers to these questions. A case in point is my question on
page numbering.

It is obvious from the posted questions that dozens if not hgundreds of
people are having difficulty working with page numbering in the simple case
where there is a front and back cover page with a numbered document
sandwiched in between.

This should be a simple process. Yet, there are only complex solutions. I
work in multiple word processors and WORD is near the bottom of my list of
this type of software. The only reason people stick with WORD is because of
the decision by microsoft to make WORD and OEM installed software and thus
they have critical mass.

Sooner or later, WORD customers will get disgusted with microsoft's customer
be damned attitude and then the Fit will hit the Shan!

Suzanne and macropod have addressed your primary rant about the forum.
I want to answer your secondary rant about Word.

Microsoft did NOT "decide" to make Word (or Office) "OEM installed
software". Windows is, but Office is not. If you get a new computer
with Office installed on it, either you specifically paid the OEM to
install a retail copy or the OEM (not Microsoft) decided to install a
trial copy.

There are still raging debates over how Office became the best-selling
productivity suite -- and no doubt mistakes by
WordPerfect/Corel/Novell played a large part in that. But the fact
remains that if you don't like Microsoft products, no one (except
maybe your employer) is forcing you to use them. Coming here to rant
doesn't change that one whit.

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