.tif high res save?



I am baffeled as to how i may save my created bussiness
card to
a 300 dpi .tif . It will save as a 96 dpi by default.
but my
printing company said it comes out too grainy due to the
low Res.
My printer works for half the cost of every one else if i
give him
the file as a .tif this is very discuraging to not be
able to use
what i have worked so hard on.

any help will be nice, thanks

Ed Bennett

A small child turns to Ed, and exclaims: "Look! Look! A post from
(e-mail address removed)
I am baffeled as to how i may save my created bussiness
card to
a 300 dpi .tif . It will save as a 96 dpi by default.
but my
printing company said it comes out too grainy due to the
low Res.

Publisher 2002 can only save to a 96dpi TIF file.
Publisher 2003 can output 300 dpi TIF files.

I would suggest creating a PDF file and sending that to your printers
instead, or using a program such as SnagIt to convert your publication to a
high-res image.


I am baffeled as to how i may save my created bussiness
card to
a 300 dpi .tif . It will save as a 96 dpi by default.
but my
printing company said it comes out too grainy due to the
low Res.
My printer works for half the cost of every one else if i
give him
the file as a .tif this is very discuraging to not be
able to use
what i have worked so hard on.

any help will be nice, thanks

[Sorry if this is a duplicate, I posted yesterday but it seems to have


You can add a hi-res tiff (and/or jpg) option that you can use from
any Windows program.

They take a bit of work to setup, but they're great to have handy.

Here are the instructions. I've tested this on Win2K and XP.

1) Install Ghostscript. If you use the defaults, it will be in C:\GS.
If not, you will need to adapt the instructions to match your path.
You can get Ghostscript from:

------Instructions for TIFF printer

2) Create a plain text file called TIFF.RSP with the following lines
and save it in C:\GS

-sDEVICE=tiff24nc -r300x300

3) Go to Start->Settings->Printers and choose "Add Printer"

4) Install a "Local Printer" but do NOT let Windows detect

5) Choose "Create a new port" and select "Redirected Port" as the type

6) Give it the name of "TIFF:"

7) Pick a Postscript printer. I use the Apple Color LW 12/660 PS and
tell it to "Keep existing driver" (if it asks)

8) Change the printer name to "Tiff File". You probably don't want it
to be your default printer and you don't want to share it.

9) Don't print a test page, you aren't quite done yet. It should now
be listed in your printers list. You just need a couple more steps.

10) Right-Click on it and choose "Properties"

11) Go to the "Ports" tab and choose "Configure Port"

12) Enter
in the "redirect this port to the program" field.

13) Enter
@c:\gs\tiff.rsp -sOutputFile="%1%%02d.tif" -
in the "arguments for this program" field. Do NOT forget the
<space><dash> at the end. If you want a multipage TIFF instead of one
file per page, do not include the "%%02d" text.

14) Under "Output" select "Prompt for filename"

15) You are DONE! You can now pick "Tiff File" as a printer and it
will ask you what file name. If you want higher resolution, change
the "-r300x300" in the RSP file.

-------Instructions for JPG printer

2) Create a plain text file called JPG.RSP with the following lines
and save it in C:\GS

-sDEVICE=jpeg -r300x300

3) Go to Start->Settings->Printers and choose "Add Printer"

4) Install a "Local Printer" but do NOT let Windows detect

5) Choose "Create a new port" and select "Redirected Port" as the type

6) Give it the name of "JPG:"

7) Pick a Postscript printer. I use the Apple Color LW 12/660 PS and
tell it to "Keep existing driver" (if it asks)

8) Change the printer name to "JPG File". You probably don't want it
to be your default printer and you don't want to share it.

9) Don't print a test page, you aren't quite done yet. It should now
be listed in your printers list. You just need a couple more steps.

10) Right-Click on it and choose "Properties"

11) Go to the "Ports" tab and choose "Configure Port"

12) Enter
in the "redirect this port to the program" field.

13) Enter
@c:\gs\jpg.rsp -sOutputFile="%1%%02d.jpg" -
in the "arguments for this program" field. Do NOT forget the
<space><dash> at the end.

14) Under "Output" select "Prompt for filename"

15) You are DONE! You can now pick "JPG File" as a printer and it
will ask you what file name. If you want higher resolution, change
the "-r300x300" in the RSP file. You can change the JPG quality
setting by changing the "-dJPEGQ=85" line. 85 = 85% and 100 = best
quality, but I haven't noticed a difference (besides a much bigger


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