Transfer autofill file from Entourage 2008 to Outlook 2007



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) Processor: Intel Email Client: imap Where does Entourage store its email autofill cache? In Outlook, it's easily located in App Data/Microsoft/Outlook as a .NK2 file. I haven't been able to find any information about the Entourage equivalent. Please don't tell me it's embedded in the Main Identity database itself. If so, is there some way to specifically extract these saved email addresses for import into Outlook 2007? Due to the vast number of email addresses in the cache I need to save, converting each autofill address to a contact and then exporting a contact list is pretty much out of the question.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Please don't tell me it's embedded in the Main Identity database itself.

OK, I won’t tell you though...

(but it is and I am not aware of any way to extract the information).


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Why does Microsoft have such different practices between their own
software products?

Completely different teams.
A bunch of Mac folks develop the Mac version (and for mostly
everything, that's really for the best as far as I am concerned).



Yeah, I figured there are two totally different teams for these two programs, but it's still frustrating for the end user to have to learn two different sets of techniques for the same program. Something like an autofill file shouldn't be too difficult for a Mac developer to create - it's been around in Outlook for years. Oh well, complaining won't solve the issue, just wanted to vent a little.

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