Two questions about PivotTable in Excel



Hello! I have 2 new issues:

1. I cannot address calculated member, that is associated with non-All
member of a dimension. For ex., if I declare calculated member
Create member [Adventure Works].[Date].[Calendar Year].[All
Periods].MyMember as
(Measures.CurrentMember,[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2004])
-(Measures.CurrentMember,[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2003])

I can access this calculated member in Excel PivotTable (if I specify
displaying OLAP calculated members in PivotTable options), while such
calculated member:

Create member [Adventure Works].[Date].[Calendar Year].[All
Periods].MyMember as
(Measures.CurrentMember,[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2004])
-(Measures.CurrentMember,[Date].[Calendar Year].&[2003])

I cannot find anywhere in Excel. The second one syntax is also correct - the
following MDX Query works fine:

Select {[Date].[Calendar Year].[All Periods].Children,
[Date].[Calendar Year].[All Periods].MyMember,
[Date].[Calendar Year].MyMember
on columns
from [Adventure Works]

2. There are many troubles with printing PivotTable. The greatest problem I
met is to set up PageBreaks correctly. I mean that if I place any group on
columns on PivotTable, I want to deny PageBreak to break values in this
group on different pages. AdventureWorks sample Excel file is attached. Look
at it. You will discover, that Pacific region is placed on two pages - #2
and #3. In this case, I have to place manual pagebreak after North America
(column Q) to make my printing useful. Of course, I have much more pages
than 3 on my sheet, and manually placing page breaks is not an option. I
write a macro to place pagebreaks automatically, but VBA objects that allow
to determine, in what page my cell is contained, are very uncomfortable for
my task - I have to iterate in HPageBreaks collection, and it works
extremely slow.

Best Regards
Dmitry Jolobov

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