update won't run...from v.X to 10.1.2


Jarod McBride

I have recently installed Office v.X on my office G4 and am trying to
upgrade so I can connect to our exchange server. I downloaded the
10.1.2 updater and have run it but it seems to hang on the "Gathering
Information" window with the spinning beach ball of death. I have tried
restarting, repairing permissions, redownloading the installer and
nothing chanages.

Am I doing this the right way or is there an upgrade I'm missing
somewhere? is there something else I'm not doing right? Thank you in
advance for your help!!


Jim Gordon


Do you have some mounted server volumes? Try disconnecting them before
running the update. The installer is probably looking all over your network
and chewing up a lot of time.

-Jim Gordon

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