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Hello -
We have projects uploaed to a project server. Many of these project files
are prepared by outside vendors who don't have access to our internal project
server. We get the vendor updates on CD usually - and have the "revision" to
the project file - many times with a significant number of new tasks added.
How can I update the published MS Project Server file with these updates?

My initial thought was to check out the schedule for working off-line and
then cut and paste the new schedule ontop of the existing one - but frankly
I'm concerned that if I try this on a baselined project the entire datafile
will become corrupted.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Your concern is correct, the practice of cutting and pasting can cause
corruption in your data. Are they updating the entire plan? Are they
updating only some of the tasks? For the latter, you might consider writing
a macro that reads from the vendor provided plan and updates the server
plan. For the former, a delete and replace is possible.

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