User-level security? Read-only users, and full access users.



Hi, we have a database in the Access-2000 file format, and are currently
using Access 2007.

I was thinking about setting up user-level security, but I saw this feature
away for 2007. I would guess that if I haven't set this up yet, it wouldn't
be recommended to do this now? Especially since if I wanted it I couldn't
upgrade to the 2007 file format. Thoughts?

Minimally, it would be nice to have some users access the database with no
editing ability (but full access to read and search any data), and other
users with full admin/editing access. Is there another way to do this
besides the user-level
security feature?


Chris O'C via

If you keep the db in mdb format, user level security works in Access 2007.

Create a shortcut with the read only switch (/ro) for the read only users,
and they will open the db as read only whenever they use the shortcut.

"path to msaccess.exe" "path to db" /ro

Microsoft MVP


Thanks. Follow up question...

Is there a particular way that you're creating the shortcut?
I've tried creating a shortcut with just the regular Windows UI (e.g. right
click and create shortcut, or right click on folder, and create new
shortcut), and then editing the "Target" as you describe with the /ro path.

I am getting "unable to save canges to '<filename>.lnk'. Access is denied.
Tried on both WinXP and another machine with Vista. On both machines I am
logged in as an account with administrator privledges.

As a side note, checking the Read-only box in the general tab doesn't work
either; not sure why.

Any additional suggestions?

Chris O'C via

You're creating the shortcut correctly. If you can create the shortcut but
not edit it, it means you don't have modify permissions on that file or on
files in that folder. Either give your account modify permission or have
another administrator give your account the permission.

Microsoft MVP

Chris O'C via

Not sure exactly what "doesn't work either" is referring to, but maybe this
will help. A Windows read only file isn't the same thing as a Jet "open in
read only mode" command. And if your account doesn't have modify permission
on the file, you won't be able to change the file to read only.

Microsoft MVP


Yes, thank you. You guessed correctly at what I meant by "doesn't work". I
did mean that the shorcut opens the file, but it is not read-only. And your
explanation makes sense (although I still say it's confusing to users!). Thx.


Hmmm... on both of my home computers, mine is the only account that is a
computer adminstrator, so I'm not sure what else to try. One computer is XP
and the other is Vista, but both are Home editions. Maybe this is something
to do with it.
I know that sometimes I can run a file as an adminstrator (right click and
choose this choice), but I'm not sure how to do that with a shortcut.

I'll try tomorrow on the work computers, since the administration and/or the
Windows versions might be different.

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