Using the F2 key in excel.



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)

In Microsoft Excel (run on a Dell using VIsta, for example), the F2 key is used to immediately enter into EDIT mode for that cell. And, very importantly, it also highlights the cells that are referenced by that cell. As I am constantly checking and editing spreadsheets, F2 is very important, and quick.

In MAC Excel 2008 this functionality does not appear to exist. The workaround is CTRL-U isn't as good because it is slow to have to constantly hit two keys instead of one. And, without Visual Basic, you can't run a patch.

SO: IS THERE A WAY TO TURN THE F2 KEY ON in MAC EXCEL 2008 so it works just like in Vista?

NEXT QUESTION: How do you make the outline of the cursor in excel (which shows up as a difficult-to-see light blue) DARKER?

These questions may seem trivial but seconds of time add up when you spend you day doing numerical analysis.


The F2 key in the Mac OS was standardized for the Cut command long before
Excel was originally ported to the PC. You can imagine what it was like for
us who had been using Excel for years before it was made available on
Windows. But it was the Win Excel team which decided to change its
assignment to something completely unrelated. I can appreciate it being
awkward to make the adjustment, but the fact is that what you've become
accustomed to is actually the "odd man out" - even most other PC apps use F2
for a purpose related to move/copy/cut. In keeping with Apple's guidelines
it can't be reassigned. "When In Rome..." :)

Contrast of the cell selector is something that has been a source of
aggravation for many. However, it's controlled by System Preferences, not by
Excel. If you go to Apple Menu. System Preferences - Appearance you can set
any color you wish for Highlight Color. I've reset mine to a Crayon color
called Cantaloupe, for example. The down side is that the color you choose
is globally used for highlighting in all programs - such as when you select
a passage in Word - so you may have to try a few colors on for size.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


CyberTaz said:
The F2 key in the Mac OS was standardized for the Cut command long before
Excel was originally ported to the PC. You can imagine what it was like for
us who had been using Excel for years before it was made available on

I sympathize. But I still want my F2! And my F4!

I don't know why these keys can't be reassigned by the user. But I hear
some third party applications can intercept them and make them work.


Yes, there are programs that do hack into the OS as well as the application
programs in any number of ways... And most of them also cause unexpected
behavior, serious compatibility problems & performance issues even if used
in a very highly controlled & well managed environment. They're generically
referred to as "haxies". Use them at your own risk :)

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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