Visio for EA - any version later than 2002



I want to buy a newer version of Visio for EA, but only if it still provides
the means to create ORM diagrams by entering Fact statements like 2002 did.
For example, in establishing a binary relationship between two entities, I
have the choice of entering the fact statements first; then later selecting
to have Visio create the entire diagram from my fact statements. Or, I can
create the diagram first; and the fact statements "appear" based on the
criteria in the ORM diagram. It's very cool and can save a lot of time to
work from the fact statement window at the start.

Does anyone know if this feature is still available in the new versions of
Visio for EA?


After v2002 the VEA versions were put into the visual studio enterprise
architect edition. I think the last one was the one that went into vs2005
(which is the v2003 product renamed). As it stands right now that appears to
be the last one MS is going to invest in.


Thank you for the version info, Al. Do you happen to know if the conceptual
modeling feature using ORM is available in Visio for EA 2005?

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