Which program is more flexable for web design?

  • Thread starter Kelsey P via OfficeKB.com
  • Start date

Kelsey P via OfficeKB.com

In school, I have learned to make web pages off of the NOTE PAD program but
things there arn't quite there for you to see, you must already have the
knowledge. On here, is there an easyer way to make and design web pages. On
NOTEPAD you need to use such things as <hr> </hr> and <body> </body> do you
need to do this here?

Don Schmidt

With Publisher you create a .pub file. When you save as a website it
converts the pub file to html for you. Easy to use but has limitations.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

You might want to look at FrontPage, it's WYSIWYG, but affords the ability
to edit or write your own code (if you want). You can go much further with
webdesign with FrontPage than you can with Publisher. Publisher is actually
designed for print media, with the ability to produce webpages (but with
some limitiations)...FrontPage is designed to create Webs.

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