Why do Work column values change when adding another Resource?



Help!!! Please forgive my lack of the proper terms in this request for help
because I am brand new to Project and am using the 2003 version.

My goal is to “map†a new modification on 10-20 different units to establish
a standard for the Resources and Duration. I’m simply trying to log actual
man hours and the duration of each task.

All my “projects†begin with a standard listing of Tasks. So far the Tasks
have undergone very few changes. To date I’ve got 3 Projects in work
simultaneously. I update the progress daily by adding Resources and making
(h) entries in the Work column. Basically, none of the columns have any
predetermined values before beginning. I set up 8h per day M-F 40 hours a
week and 20 days a month.

In an effort to keep it simple, the columns I’m working with are Number1,
Task Name, % Complete, Duration, Actual Start & Actual Finish

I am having trouble with the Resource man hour data (h) entered in the Work
column. All previous entries made (h) change whenever I add another Resource
after I return to that Task to update. The total value (h) remains the same
for the Task but the various entries change. To minimize this, prior to
adding another Resource, I must first note the totals for each Resource then
go back and reenter the data to remain accurate.

I notice the % Complete updates automatically based on updating the Work
column. The only time I update this column is when the Task completes.
Therefore, I then enter 100%.

I enter dates in Actual Start columns each time I begin a Task and add a
Resource. I do not enter a date without assigning a Resource. All Resources
added are accompanied by their Actual Start date.

Thanks in advance to all who offer assistance.

Jim Aksel

This sounds more like a job for Excel than Project. Do you have links
between the tasks etc or are you just keying dates for book keeping purposes?
I think you would like to have task B delay in start if task A runs long.
Project can do that for you, unless you are keying all the dates.

It looks like you may be confusing WORK and DURATION. A task with 10 days
duration has a default of 80 hours of potential work for each resource
assigned. However, you can certainly assign 1 resource to this task at 25%
which gives you 10 days duration and only 20 hours of work. Similarly, we can
can have 9 women assigned and have a baby in one month.

Duration will change depending on task type. The default task type is fixed
units (100% = 1 head). Work=Duration X Units% you can only pick two, the
third is calculated. So you enter work of 80 hours (and you have 1 resource
unit assigne -- say Johnny) then project gives you a duration of 10 days
(because it is a fixed units task). If the task type is fixed duration (say
5 days) and you key in 80 hours for work, Project happily complies and says
you need 200% (2 heads) to do the job.

Tasks may also be Effort Driven or Non-Effort Driven. One type will take
the remaining work and divide it amongst the number of resources present (at
their assignment %). The other will add new work when new resources are

Task type and effort driven status can be changed from the task information
dialog box or in the bottom screen of the split screen view on a Gantt Chart

%Complete is based on duration, not on work. Consider using the %Work
Complete column instead.

Your %Complete is changing when you add work because the task duration is
changing as well. Let me guess, %Complete goes down, right?

Might I suggest an intro to Project class. MSProjectExperts.com does it via
CyberSpace. You can also try fellow MVP Mike Glenn's tutorials here:

If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

Jim Aksel, MVP

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