Word 2002 - problem wih linked items in INCLUDETEXT




A problem has developed in with my Word links that I hope someone can help
me with.

I have a large set of documentation in Word format. There are a few chapters
that are included in more than one document. What I have done is create
these chapters as separate documents, and included them in the required
documents using { INCLUDTEXT "Chapter2.doc" }

So far so good.

Within the linked chapter (Chapter2.doc in the example above), there are
cross reference links to bookmarks WITHIN the same document - i.e.,
Chapter2.doc has cross references to bookmarks within Chapter2.doc

Until now this has worked with no problems - Chapter2 starts on page 15 in
one document, and the bookmark is on page 25; in another document Chapter2
starts on page 20 and the bookmark is on page30.

Today, when I opened the same document, all cross references within
Chpater2 are listed on the wrong page number - if Chapter 2 runs from pages
15-40, all cross references within Chapter2 point to page 40.

I tried updating fields and reinserting the linked document - no luck :(

Does anyone know how this error suddenly appeared, and how I can get rid of

(e-mail address removed)

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,

Are you certain the cross-references still exist as REF fields, and that the
bookmarks are still present? Are you certain the fields are not locked
(Ctrl+F11 locks; Ctrl+Shift+F11 unlocks)? (Open the original document to check

If that's the case, are you sure the IncludeText field in the target document
has not been converted to plain text, or locked?

Which version of Word are we dealing with?
A problem has developed in with my Word links that I hope someone can help
me with.

I have a large set of documentation in Word format. There are a few chapters
that are included in more than one document. What I have done is create
these chapters as separate documents, and included them in the required
documents using { INCLUDTEXT "Chapter2.doc" }

So far so good.

Within the linked chapter (Chapter2.doc in the example above), there are
cross reference links to bookmarks WITHIN the same document - i.e.,
Chapter2.doc has cross references to bookmarks within Chapter2.doc

Until now this has worked with no problems - Chapter2 starts on page 15 in
one document, and the bookmark is on page 25; in another document Chapter2
starts on page 20 and the bookmark is on page30.

Today, when I opened the same document, all cross references within
Chpater2 are listed on the wrong page number - if Chapter 2 runs from pages
15-40, all cross references within Chapter2 point to page 40.

I tried updating fields and reinserting the linked document - no luck :(

Does anyone know how this error suddenly appeared, and how I can get rid of

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Cindy, (or any other smart helpful people on this list...)

Thanks for your suggestions.

I'm using Word 2002, SP3 on Windows XP Home Edition.

I double-checked that the bookmarks are present and unlocked in the child
document, but the links still aren't displaying correctly in the parent

For example, in the child document there is a cross reference {PAGEREF

In the child document, this is displayed as "on page 30"
In the Parent document, it is displayed as "Below"

If I remove the \p qualifier, the parent document lists the last page number
that the Included text runs to (i.e., The INCLUDETEXT runs from page
140-200, the link now points to page 200, even though the bookmark is on
page 170)

I'm wondering if this is related to FieldCalcSecurityLevel registry entry as
outlined on MS Knowledge base on http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=330079
I tried entering and modifying this registry entry, but so far it didn't
seem to make any difference at all.

I have a deadline looming and this problem has put me behind in my work by
several days, any ideas or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,

OK, open a "child" document in its own window, make sure the references are
displaying correctly.

Now open the "parent" document, display the field codes (without trying to
update the fields, first), go to the IncludeText for that document and add the
\! switch at the end of the field code. Update the field and see if anything
I'm using Word 2002, SP3 on Windows XP Home Edition.

I double-checked that the bookmarks are present and unlocked in the child
document, but the links still aren't displaying correctly in the parent

For example, in the child document there is a cross reference {PAGEREF

In the child document, this is displayed as "on page 30"
In the Parent document, it is displayed as "Below"

If I remove the \p qualifier, the parent document lists the last page number
that the Included text runs to (i.e., The INCLUDETEXT runs from page
140-200, the link now points to page 200, even though the bookmark is on
page 170)

I'm wondering if this is related to FieldCalcSecurityLevel registry entry as
outlined on MS Knowledge base on http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=330079
I tried entering and modifying this registry entry, but so far it didn't
seem to make any difference at all.

I have a deadline looming and this problem has put me behind in my work by
several days, any ideas or suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


I had tried this before, but tried it again - when I add the \! switch, the
Parent document lists the page number that appears in the child document
(Page 30), not the page that the bookmark appears on in the Parent document.
(I think that this is how the \! switch is supposed to work)

If I remove the \! switch and update fields, the page references all point
to the page that the INCLUDETEXT starts on (which is different from before,
before it was pointing to the last page of the INCLUDETEXT).

If I update fields again, it points to the last page of the includetext.

In either case, it's pointing to the wrong page :(

Any other thoughts?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,
I had tried this before, but tried it again - when I add the \! switch, the
Parent document lists the page number that appears in the child document
(Page 30), not the page that the bookmark appears on in the Parent document.
(I think that this is how the \! switch is supposed to work)

If I remove the \! switch and update fields, the page references all point
to the page that the INCLUDETEXT starts on (which is different from before,
before it was pointing to the last page of the INCLUDETEXT).

If I update fields again, it points to the last page of the includetext.

In either case, it's pointing to the wrong page :(
Right. OK, I just tried a quick test on my installation (Word 2003) and I'm
not seeing the problem. So I'm guessing this may be an issue in this set of

If you:

create a new document with a few pages (type this then, press Enter:

Then insert a heading at the top, and a cross-reference to that heading with
the page number at the bottom. Now save and close.

Now create another multi-page document and insert/file with link for the first
file you created...

...does the field behave correctly?

If it does, then we can be reasonably sure we're dealing with some kind of
structural damage in one or the other document.

In this case, first try inserting a link to a "chapter" document into the
second test document. Does it behave correctly in this document?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Hi Cindy,

This is a problem that developed several months after I started using this
method to insert chapters into other documents - however, since the problem
appeared, it is happening on all my documents - I tried creating new
documents, importing different chapters into new or old documents - the
bookmarked cross-references are not working on any of the documents :(

It is possible that it is related to my version of Word (2002, SP3), or
possibly related in a patch or upgrade that I installed (although I don't
specifically remember installing a patch recently)

If you want, I could send you (off list) an example of the documents with
the problem.

Any other ideas suggestions?


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,
This is a problem that developed several months after I started using this
method to insert chapters into other documents - however, since the problem
appeared, it is happening on all my documents - I tried creating new
documents, importing different chapters into new or old documents - the
bookmarked cross-references are not working on any of the documents :(
In this case, I would suspect a problem in your Normal.dot template. Try
renaming Normal.dot to NormalOLD.dot.

Now create a new set of documents for testing the basic principle. Do NOT try
using any documents you already have.

If this still doesn't help, try booting Word in SAFE MODE, create a new set of
documents and test. If it works correctly now, then you're probably looking at
a third-party tool interfering (although I can't imagine what it would be, or
how it could be having this effect).
It is possible that it is related to my version of Word (2002, SP3), or
possibly related in a patch or upgrade that I installed (although I don't
specifically remember installing a patch recently)

If you want, I could send you (off list) an example of the documents with
the problem.

Any other ideas suggestions?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



Thanks again for taking the time to help pinpoint the problem - but still no
luck :(

I renamed Normal.dot then created 2 documents:

Chapter2.doc has 3 pages with a link on the first page to a bookmark on page
The link is {PAGEREF Heading2 \p \h"} and in Chapter2.doc displays the text
"on page 3"

I then closed Chapter2.doc, and created a new document MainDocument.doc with
an INCLUDETEXT to Chapter2.doc

In MainDocument.doc, the link is displayed as "below" (even though the
bookmark appears on page 4 of MainDocument.doc)

I then closed Word and opened in Safe mode and repeated the above with new
documents - I am still getting the wrong links :(

Any other suggestions?
If you want to see an example of the problem, I placed a copy of the tests I
created at the following link:



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,
Chapter2.doc has 3 pages with a link on the first page to a bookmark on page
The link is {PAGEREF Heading2 \p \h"} and in Chapter2.doc displays the text
"on page 3"
OK, now I understand how you're setting this up. This is different from your
original problem description. I downloaded the file(s) and can see this problem,
here. I class this as a bug, and I'll pass it up the
line. There certainly won't be a quick fix forth-coming, I'm afraid. However...

If you remove the \p switch from the PageRef field you should get the page
number. Not an ideal solution, I know, but better than having to do it all by
hand, I should think. If you really need the above/below option, you could nest
the PageRef field in an IF field that tests if { PAGE } = { PageRef } and
displays "Below" if it does.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thanks for looking at it Cindy,

If I remove the /p switch, I still get the wrong page number - it points to
the last page that the inserted text appears on, not the page that the
bookmark appears on.

Is this bug related to this version of Word, does it behave differently in
the latest version of Office?

Is there anyway that I can monitor whether Microsoft classify this as a bug
that will be fixed, and know whether a fix will be included in a future

Thanks again,


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,
If I remove the /p switch, I still get the wrong page number - it points to
the last page that the inserted text appears on, not the page that the
bookmark appears on.
Did you try updating it a couple of times, consecutively? I had to update all
the fields in the document two or three times to get things to show properly.

In the meantime, a couple of people looked at this, with varying degrees of
success. It appears it's not only the version of Word (newer seems to have
more problems than older); not sure if the printer drivers, or Windows, or
what is also involved. In general, multiple field updates, or actually
PRINTING the document usually yielded correct results they report, even with
the \p switch still in the field.

Chances are good the problem will looked at for a future version of Office.
Is this bug related to this version of Word, does it behave differently in
the latest version of Office?

Is there anyway that I can monitor whether Microsoft classify this as a bug
that will be fixed, and know whether a fix will be included in a future

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or
reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



Thanks again for the help - you're right that when I updated fields (CTRL+A,
then F9) several time eventually Word displayed the correct page number -
the problem is that as it's quite a long document, each update fields took a
long time :( and this doesn't seem like an ideal solution

Thanks again for your assistance - at least I now have the information I
need whether to continue using this method of inserting chapters or I should
look into alternatives.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Michael,

You're welcome, and good luck :)!
Thanks again for the help - you're right that when I updated fields (CTRL+A,
then F9) several time eventually Word displayed the correct page number -
the problem is that as it's quite a long document, each update fields took a
long time :( and this doesn't seem like an ideal solution

Thanks again for your assistance - at least I now have the information I
need whether to continue using this method of inserting chapters or I should
look into alternatives.

Cindy Meister

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