Word 2007 Inside Out Chapter 10 help



On page 250 in Chapter 10 of the Word 2007 Inside Out book there is a figure
10-2 that I'm confused about. They show some horizontal and vertical
underlining at the top of the screen before the Outlining takes place. It was
between the title and the year that is shown in the example. I'm just
wondering how this was done.


I'm not sure what was done there in that example. I tried borders and did not
know how they did the horizontal and vertical line between the year and the
Paragraph formatting. It says Divers Annual Report and then 2007 and then
there are horizontal and vertical lines.

Beth Melton


Beth Melton

I should have mentioned the first page of the document used for the screen
shot was created using a built-in Cover Page (on the Insert tab, click Cover
Page, and then click Annual.) If you take a look at the screen shot on page
592 you'll see we used it for the "Creating a Cover Page" topic.
Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
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So on the Insert Tab you click on cover page and then click annual. I'm just
confused on the horizontal and vertical underlining. I tried doing an
interiot vertical border line along with a horizontal line and all I could
see was the horizontal line. So you say you have to have to draw a 2 X 1
Table and then construct the borders and then whatever font and style you
want to use to make the year and the title look like that.

Beth Melton

Ron37 said:

So on the Insert Tab you click on cover page and then click annual.

Yes. If you want to reproduce the cover page you see in the book then that's
the easiest way. :)
I'm just
confused on the horizontal and vertical underlining. I tried doing an
interiot vertical border line along with a horizontal line and all I could
see was the horizontal line. So you say you have to have to draw a 2 X 1
Table and then construct the borders and then whatever font and style you
want to use to make the year and the title look like that.

Correct. If you show the gridlines for the Cover Page that may help. After
you insert the Cover Page place your insertion point in a table cell and on
the contextual Table Tools Layout tab, click View Gridlines.

If you are having difficulty with the table borders here are the specific
steps you need:
- Insert a 2 x 1 table (Insert/Table)
- Select the table
- On the contextual Table Tools Design tab, click the arrow next to Borders
and then click No Border
- Click the arrow next to Borders again and then click Bottom Border
- Select the first cell, click the arrow next to Borders and then click
Right Border

Then for the text formatting, modify the font and size to your liking. The
height of the table will increase according to the font size. Note that the
example uses a font size of 100 pts for the year so as noted on page 142 you
need to click in the Font Size text box, type 100, and then press Enter.

Also note if you want to reuse your customized content then you can save it
as Building Block (page 192).

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

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In the outline itself in that figure I see the outline symbols with a + and
- is there some spacing there before that - sign and then spacing before the
+ sign? Its after the Passion and Progress subtitle where there are some
blank lines. Do you add a couple of blank lines before you go into outline
view there?

Beth Melton

I'm not really sure, the documents went through various revisions for screen
shots in the book, but I believe it's the paragraph mark following the table
that has the Heading 1 style applied. The "blank lines" you are seeing is
paragraph spacing.

Do you have "Show Text Formatting" selected on the Outlining tab?
Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

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Yes that is checked in Outline View.

Beth Melton said:
I'm not really sure, the documents went through various revisions for screen
shots in the book, but I believe it's the paragraph mark following the table
that has the Heading 1 style applied. The "blank lines" you are seeing is
paragraph spacing.

Do you have "Show Text Formatting" selected on the Outlining tab?
Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:


How do you insert the blank lines there in paragraph spacing in outline view
to get those blank lines I see?



Well after I inserted that cover page and entered the subsequent data in the
content controls, I removed those. When you first insert it the positioning
is in the middle of the page and I moved all the data to the top of the page.
Those small circles are the topic markers and when you try to develop the
outline below the cover page insertion it creates some extra topic markers
for spacing but in the figure in the book there is a topic marker next to
type the abstract of the document here and then there are some blank lines
then the no suborinate heading marker with the - sign. When you press enter
every time it creates extra topic markers I think. Maybe its the line spacing
I'm not sure. I think whats confusing is you insert the cover page and enter
the data.



Was the outlining inserted before the cover page was inserted on that
particular screen shot on page 250? I keep trying to click the line spacing
button after I inserted the cover page in the example. It said on the
previous page that all paragraph formatting such as indents, before and after
spacing and line spacing is suppressed. I'm just trying to get it right with
the blank lines that I see. On page 256 text formatting was hidden when you
uncheck show text formatting. In outline view when I press enter after I
insert the heading it goes to the same level heading but then I told it to
show body text to get the small circles after the + Heading. I feel like I
understand the outline view. Page 261 in that figure shows it better theres a
small circle topic marker after that cover page example was inserted then you
have some blank lines and then you have the non subordinate marker symbol
then some more blank lines and the Executive Summary heading. The line
spacing is confusing.

Beth Melton

I honestly don't know which came first, this specific chapter wasn't one I
wrote, but I believe the space you are asking about is a result of two
things, the height of the last row in the table, since table formatting
isn't suppressed in Outline view, and I'd say there is a page break after
the paragraph mark that follows the table.

btw, I have a copy of this thread for future reference should the topic of
showing formatting marks in screen shots arise. It's always a subject of
controversy since they could be beneficial for some but confusing to others.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:



I'll give that a try. Thanks for all your help on this. I just would feel
better if I could understand it. Let me ask you this, if you just start with
headings in Outline view if there a way that you can have some empty line
spacing between a 1st level heading with topic markers and another 1st level
heading with topic markers? I'll move on to Chapter 11 in the book.

Beth Melton

I'm glad to help! I think I understand what you are trying to do, you want
to add some type of visual break between the 1st level headings, correct? If
that's the case then I don't know of a way to add space without adding empty
paragraph marks, or a page break, since the Outline view was designed to
suppress space and provide a compact overview of your document. You could
try adding a horizontal line to see if that works but it would also display
in your document.

As an additional note, I'm not sure if you plan on printing what you see in
Outline view but if you have SP1 installed this functionality has been
broken. If your outline is collapsed (showing only the Headings and not the
body text) it ends up printed a jumped mess! Prior to SP1 you could use
Quick Print and it would work (I beleive I noted this at some point) but now
it doesn't work at all. :-(

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP
What is a Microsoft MVP? http://mvp.support.microsoft.com/gp/mvpfaqs

Guides for the Office 2007 Interface:



I'm trying to learn Word 2007 really well to focus on taking that
Certification test and I have the Step by Step, Plain and Simple And Inside
Out books for Word 2007. I'm just trying to learn Word 2007 on my own because
I can't afford the classes in it at the moment. I'm gaining alot more
confidence in learning all the tabs, Word Options, views and Status bar
changes that can be done. I'm learning it very well. Trying my best. Its just
I got stuck in that Outline View part with those screen shots in the book.
Everything is suppressed so there is no way to do any double spacing between
headings in that view. Can I email you some questions if I get hung up on
something in later chapters in that Inside Out book?

Beth Melton

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