Word 2007 Table Normal Style


Greg Maxey

How do I get Table Normal style to appear (and stay) in the table style
gallery and be the default table?

In the Manage Style Dialog "Table Normal" is marked "Hide until used" and
the options to show it is dimmed.

I can insert a table (Table Grid style) select it and with the Apply Styles
dialog, I can apply Table Normal.

Table Normal now appears in the Apply Styles Style Name dialog, but it isn't
visible in the Table>Design>Table Styles gallery.

However, if I insert a second table (Table Grid) the oddly enough "Table
Normal" becomes visible in the Table Styles gallery.

If I right click the Table Normal style and "Set as default" in this
document then it becomes the default table inserted using Table Insert.

However, if I "Set as default" All documents based on the normal.dotm
template then close Word and choose "Save changes to Normal.dotm" I can see
Normal.dotm being saved, but when I reopen Word and create a new document
based the Table Normal style is gone from the table style gallery and the
default table is Table Grid.

Stefan Blom

I've seen that too. It seems as if you are no longer allowed to set Table
Normal as the default table style.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

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