word copying style from one document to another



Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Hi there,

what are the steps to copy a style from one document to another? I am trying to copy a header and all the style information is not getting copied. Or if I do copy a specific style the style in the new document gets set to "normal" and I never update the style I want to update - which is "heading 2"




Please understand that in Word there is a distinct difference between a
Head_er_ and a Head_ing_, & that could matter in this case. I'm assuming you
mean heading since you make specific reference to the built-in Heading 2
style, but I'm not sure because a Heading Style can be applied to a Header.
What also isn't clear is exactly what it is that you're attempting to
copy... Are you selecting text to which the style has been applied or are
you attempting you copy the style name itself from one of the lists in which
it appears? The latter can't be done, which would explain why the text in
the destination document remains formatted as Normal when you paste --
nothing has been copied so nothing gets pasted :)

Select the text in the source document which has the Heading style applied
to it (including the ¶ at the end of the Heading paragraph). Paste the text
into the destination document & the applied style will transfer with it.
Then just delete the pasted text -- the style will remain in the destination
document so you will be able to apply it anywhere you choose.

If this method doesn't work for you please be more specific & detailed about
the style you're attempting to copy, exactly how you're trying to copy it --
a step-by-step description is most helpful.

John McGhie

Go to Format>Style>Organiser.

The document you have open will be on the left, Normal template on the

Close the Normal template, then browse to and open the document you want to
copy from.

If you copy a style that has numbering attached, you need to copy it TWICE,
once to bring the style across, then again to bring the numbering format

A running header is not a style, it is a "document within a document". To
copy it, you need to copy the section break that contains it (the one
following where the header takes effect).

Hope this helps

Version: 2004 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel
Hi there,

what are the steps to copy a style from one document to another? I am trying
to copy a header and all the style information is not getting copied. Or if I
do copy a specific style the style in the new document gets set to "normal"
and I never update the style I want to update - which is "heading 2"



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