Word experienced an error trying to open file


Paolo Francese

On a Windows XP machine member of a Windows 2003 domain when I try to open a
word document on a shared folder and the document is already open from
another user, I got the following error:
Word experienced an error trying to open file.
Try these suggestions.
- Check the file permission...
- Make sure there is sufficient free memeory...
- Open the file with Text Recovery...

In this installation word is part of the Office 2003 pro suite.

When the document is not opened from anyone I've no problem.
On other machines with similar installation I have not any problem.

May anyone help me?

Terry Farrell

You cannot open an open document. Only ONE person can edit a document at a

Paolo Francese

Yes, I know.
When I say open I mean open in read only mode.
Word warn me that the document is already open from another user and when I
choose to open in read only mode I got the error.

Terry Farrell

You can open a spreadsheet as read only when another user has it open
elsewhere, but you cannot open 2 instances of a Word document, even as Read
Only. You need a SharePoint server to do that.


Paolo Francese

Let me try to explain my problem with this example:
First let's see how the things should work.
I have a shared folder that contains the file docu.doc
The user AA double clicks on docu.doc and word open the file in read-write
The user BB double clicks on docu.doc and word shows a dialog box with 3
- open in read only mode
- make a local copy...
- You will be notified when the document is available
(I'm using the Italian version of Office so I have done an approximate
translation but the meaning should be clear).

What I said happen on all my office installation but one, in this "odd"
installation when the user BB double clicks on docu.doc word complains that
the document is dameged and cannot be opened. Of couse when user AA close the
file docu.doc user BB can open it whithout any problem.


Terry Farrell

On the machine that exhibits this problem, clean out the user's temp file.
It should be empty following a fresh boot and before any apps are opened.
Delete everything you find in the temp folder. Then test again.

If that fails. log in as a different user on that workstation and test to
see if it is a damaged user profile.


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