Word fails to show or print some figures


Robert Black

Many times I've received Word documents from PC users that have
Figures that can't be displayed with my Office 10.1.4 for Mac OS-X.
These figures apppear as a red 'X' in place of the figure. What causes
this, and is there a fix for it? PC users never seem to have trouble
with documents I create.

Beth Rosengard

Many times I've received Word documents from PC users that have
Figures that can't be displayed with my Office 10.1.4 for Mac OS-X.
These figures apppear as a red 'X' in place of the figure. What causes
this, and is there a fix for it? PC users never seem to have trouble
with documents I create.

Hi Robert,

It seems to have to do with a Microsoft bug and Endnote 6's CWYW tools.
Removing the latter appears to fix it. See the thread I've reproduced below
for more information.

Hope this helps

Beth Rosengard

Mac Word FAQ: <http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/WordMac/index.html>
Entourage Help Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/toc.html>

In a previous thread, a bunch of people were discussing the fact that they
often had red X's instead of placed graphics in MS Word files brought over
from the PC and opened in Word X. One astute list reader determined that
removing EndNote's "Cite While You Write" add-ins from the Word X startup
folder cleared up the problem for him (and for me, too). Thinking this was
an EndNote problem, I wrote to their tech support about it, here's their
This is a known cross-platform compatibility problem with Microsoft Word. If
the document or the inserted objects were created on a PC the images may not
load and display correctly when opened in a Mac version of Word. It is
actually a Microsoft Word bug, but it may only manifest if the Endnote CWYW
tools are loaded. There is no known solution, but we have found a workaround
that fixes the problem in most cases.

Workaround: Open the document in Word 98 and save it, then open the document
in the Word X and save the document again. If this does not work, unformat
the document using the Endnote 6 tools in Word X and save an unformatted copy.
Then open that copy in Word 98 and save as RTF. Then open the RTF file in
Word X, save as a doc file, and format bibliography.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for contacting Technical Support.

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