Word files not available



I am having the exact same problem as Eileen (June 5,
11:30 am) with my Word files not being available, even
the new ones, and then asking if I want to save the
normal file when I close Word. Uninstall and reinstall
doesn't help; neither did creating a new user and trying
to install office xp there. The answer Eileen was given
was to disable the office plugin in Norton Antivirus.

I am using Norton Antivirus corporate edition and I have
searched it and can't find an office plugin. Do you have
any other solutions to try?

My operating system is Windows XP Professional, and I
have Office XP Pro 2002.

Also, when I try to open Outlook, I'm told "Cannot start
Microsoft Outlook. Unable to open the Outlook window. An
OLE registration error occurred. The program is not
correctly installed. Run setup again for the program." I
have done that, but it still won't open. Uninstall and
reinstall doesn't help.

Also, I am unable to open any saved Excel file. The
message is "Microsoft Excel--Unable to read file." Again,
uninstall and reinstall didn't help.

This is very frustrating. I have been trying to find the
answer for over a week. I would appreciate any help I can



Hi, Kay. Find the OfficeAV.dll file on your system and note the
directory path where it is located. Close all open applications. From
Windows, click on Start | Run. In the Open dialog box, type the command
(including quotes):

"C:\Windows\System32\Regsvr32" -U "C:\<path>\OfficeAV.dll"

Replace <path> with the directory path for your OfficeAV.dll file.
Click on OK. Hopefully you will get the message: "DllUnregisterServer
in C:\<path>\OfficeAV.dll succeeded." If so, then restart the computer.
If not, write back!

Beth Melton

Hi Kay,

It's likely the Office Plug-in option in Norton is still the
underlying problem. If a previous version of NAV was installed, which
contained the plug-in, and Norton CE was installed later the DLL for
the plug-in could still be registered.

First search for officeav.dll and if found go to Start/Run and run the
following command:

regsvr32 /u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"

In the above example the path for "Officeav.dll" would depend on the
location of the DLL.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


Hi. I have done a search twice and I am unable to find a
file named "OfficeAV.dll" on my computer. It searched
hidden files, also. Now what?


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm unable to find
the officeav.dll file. I've searched twice, including
hidden files, but it doesn't show up in a search on my
computer. What would you suggest next? (And incidently,
you are correct; I did have an earlier version of Norton
Anti-virus on my computer, which I had just uninstalled
today before posting my question.)


If multiple users are set up on your computer, are you logged in as
"Owner" or "Administrator"? OfficeAV-dot-D-L-L (not dot-D-one-one)?


There is only one user on the computer, and it
is "Administrator." And I did search for dll and not d11.
Could that be the problem, if that particular file isn't
even there?


Hmmm... maybe MVP Beth Melton has a better solution, but AFAIK this is
how you do it in Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition is by running this
unregister command. The OfficeAV.dll file *must* be somewhere on the
computer if NAV CE is installed. If you had one of the Norton Antivirus
"year-number" versions, it's actually much easier to disable the Office

Beth Melton

Hi Kay,

If you uninstalled Norton AV does the problem persist? (Uninstalling
should remove the DLL)

If so then take a look in Word under Tools/Macro/Macros and at the
bottom of the dialog box. Does it indicate a virus scanner is

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/


Hi, Beth,
When not on the weekend I only have a short amount of
time to work on this problem each evening. I just now
tried removing Norton AV Corporate Edition and after
taking longer than I expected, it gave me the
message "Fatal error occurred during installation" and it
left the Norton AV there.

When I checked Word/Tools/Macro/Macros there was nothing
listed there.

Beth Melton

Hi Kay,

If you are encountering an error on the Norton installation or removal
then I'm not sure what to do. I know more about the issues the Office
Plug-in causes than install/uninstall issues on Norton.

If you could verify, after trying to uninstall Norton are you still
unable to open Office documents and are you still encountering the
"changes have been made to Normal.dot" message when you exit Word?

If the macros dialog box does not indicate a virus scanner is
installed then the Office Plug-in is not enabled.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/



I am having exactly the same problems as you are, I have
much the same set up as you and have done the same
apparent repairs as you have. Has anyone come up with a
solution yet, please can you help.

Lawrence peak
(e-mail address removed)


Hi, Beth,

I'm so excited that I was able to open up a file! And I
didn't get the normal.dot message when I exited Word.
However, it is working VERY slowly, and when I tried to
close out one file after opening a second it gave me a
recovery message--it opened up a column over on the left
side and said that it had recovered the file and did I
want to save it. I didn't because I hadn't made any
changes to it and it said it was the original file. But I
am glad that I can read my files again, even if I only
open up one at a time.

My Outlook still doesn't open up--I get the same message
that it is unable to open it; an OLE registration error

Excel appears to be working again fine.

I would like a virus scan on my computer, but I want to
fix the other problems first. Do you know anything about
Outlook or is this area just for Word questions?

Also, when I get that fixed, will I be able to reinstall
the Norton AV and then just disable the office portion,
as we tried to do before?


Beth Melton

Hi Kay,

That's great to hear. :) I thought uninstalling Norton AV rectified
the problem.

If you install Norton CE then you won't need to worry about the Office
Plug-in option since it isn't included in that version. Regarding your
Outlook question, an Outlook newsgroup should provide you the best
answer. You should be able to find a few in the navigation tree on the
Microsoft newsgroup web interface.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

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